Jessica Ashe Dr. Miami University
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Dr. Jessica Ashe, MBA completed her Bachelor of Arts in Cultural Anthropology at Emory University in 1990. Upon graduation, she moved to rural South Korea, where she taught English to Republic of Korea (ROK) Army soldiers, medical doctors and was a game show host. In 1992, she started her first master's degree in European Languages & Literature at the University of Hawai'i @ Manoa, where she also taught French. Her next adventure was as a "deliberate" parent, volunteering in her kids schools and activities. When her youngest finally said, "Go find your own school", she pursued her doctoral degree at University of Cincinnati. During that tenure, she was chosen to represent her cohort on a diplomatic mission to Erbil, Iraq and she briefly taught at Salahaddin University. Since 2015, she has been teaching international youth how to "become their best selves" at Miami University in Ohio. When Covid started, she founded 'Mind Set News' to inspire youth around the world to continue their education, despite the chaos. On any given day, she can be found teaching in Myanmar, Algeria, Iraq or elsewhere. Upon completion of her MBA with Farmer School of Business, she began teaching Microeconomics as well. She has a great fondness of indigenous knowledges and works in decolonization as The Secretary of State of The Kingdom of Hawai'i.


Miami University
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