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Year 2015, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 0 - 0, 11.01.2016


Bu çalışmada, Muğla il genelinde Sosyal Güvenlik Kurumu ile anlaşmalı sağlık kurumlarında görev yapan hekimlerin elektronik reçete uygulamasına yönelik iş davranışlarının ve sağlık kurumlarının MEDULA alt yapısının değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmada veri toplama aracı olarak geliştirilen ankete 184 hekim cevap vermiştir. Araştırmadan elde edilen bulgulara göre; gerek sistem kullanıcıları gerekse hastalar için Ereçetenin kolaylık sağlayıp sağlamadığı konusunda hekimlerce tam bir fikrin oluşmadığı sonucuna varıldığı söylenebilir. Ayrıca, E-reçete uygulamasının en başta gelen hedefleri arasında yer alan ilaç harcamalarının azaltılması hedefine bu araştırma bulgularının tam olarak desteklemediği de kayda değer bir sonuç olarak ifade edilebilir. İlgili sağlık kurumlarının bilgi işlemden kaynaklı sorunlarının varlığı ise MEDULA alt yapılarının etkililiğini ve verimliliğini düşündürmektedir. Kağıt reçete uygulamasının sınırlılıklarını kullanıcılar ve hekimler gördükçe e-reçete uygulamasını daha çok benimseyecek ve pozitif yönlerini göreceklerdir. E-reçete, kağıt reçetelemenin birçok sınırlılığını giderecektir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Elektronik reçete, sağlık bilgi sistemleri.


The purpose of this study is to investigate job behaviors about electronical prescription implication in health organizations which have a protocol with Social Security Organization and to evaluate their infrastructures of MEDULA (an information system about billing and other health informatics) in health organizations. In this study data is obtained from a questionnaire which is prepared by researchers. Questionnaire is conducted on 184 physicians. In this study it is found that physicians have not a consensus about whether electronical prescription has a useful for physicians and patients. Morever, physicians have not general agreement about electronical prescription provide cost containment in drug expenditures. Efficiency and performance of infrastructures of MEDULA decrease owing to problems with information systems in health care organizations. Users will adopt e-prescribing systems and view them positively if they recognise the limitations of paper based prescribing and see electronic systems as useful in addressing some of these limitations. Key Words: Electronical prescription, health information systems.


  • Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (2012). Electronic Prescribing in the United Kingdom and in the
  • Netherlands. AHRQ Publication No. 11-0044-EF
  • American Medical Association (AMA), American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), American College of
  • Physicians (ACP), Medical Group Management Association (MGMA), e-Health Initiative, and the Center
  • for Improving Medication Management (2011). A Clinician’s Guide to E-Prescribing. 2011 Update.
  • Arlington, VA, USA.
  • Bell DS., Cretin s., Marken RS., Landman AB., (2004). A Conceptual Framework for Evaluating Outpatient
  • Electronic Prescribing Systems Based on Their Functional Capabilities., J Am Med. Inform Assoc. 11:
  • -70.
  • Birinci (2013) Hastane Bilgi Yönetim Sistemleri, (İçinde: Hastane Yönetimi ed: Haydar Sur, Tuncay Palteki),
  • Nobel Tıp, İstanbul, 285-304.
  • Canadian Medical Association (2012). e-Prescribing Joint Statement.
  • Crosson J.C.,Etz R.S., Wu S., Straus S. G., Eisenman D., Bell D. S. (2011). Meaningfull Use of Electronic
  • Prescribing in 5 Exeplar Care Practices, Annals of Family Medicine, 9(5): 392-397.
  • Dainty K.N, Adhikari N.K.J., Kiss A., Quan S., Zwarenstein M. (2011). Electronic Prescribing an Ambulatory
  • Care Setting: A Cluster Randomized Trial, Journal of Evaluation Clinical Practice, 18(2012):761-767.
  • Goldman R.E.,Dube C., Lapane K.L. (2010). Beyond the Basics: Refills by Electronic Prescribing, International
  • Journal of Medical Informatics 79(2010):507-514.
  • Hair J, Anderson R, Tatham R, & Black W. (1998). Multivariate data analysis. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
  • (Erişim tarihi:
  • 06.2013)
  • Lipton Hl., Miller Rh., Wimbush Jj. (2003). Electronic Prescribing: Ready for Prime Time? J. Healthcare Inform
  • Management 17:449-454.
  • National Coordinating Council for Medication Error Reporting and Prevention (NCC Merp) (2006).
  • Recommendation to Reduce Medication Errors Associated with Verbal Medication Orders and
  • Prescriptions Oakbrook Terrace, II.
  • NHS Connecting for Health (2009). Electronic prescribing in hospitals: Challenges and lessons learned.
  • Riccioli, C., Cacciabue, PC., Campanini, M., Jung, M., Marcilly, R. (2011). Designing, implementing and
  • evaluating prescription A field study and comparison with PSIP results. In: Koutkias, V., Niès, J., Jensen,
  • S., Maglaveras, N. and Beuscart R. (Eds). Patient Safety Informatics - Adverse Drug Events, Human
  • Factors and IT Tools for Patient Medication Safety. IOS Press,. Amsterdam. pp. 105-115.
  • Santell Jp, Cosins DD, (2005). Medication Errors Related to Product Names. Joint Commission Journal on
  • Quality and Patient Safety, 31(11):649-654.
  • Schiff GD., Rucker D. (1998). Computerized Prescribing: Building The Electronic Infrastructure for Better
  • Medication Usage. Jama 279:1024-1029.
  • Tambyln R.,Huang A., Kawasumi Y., Bartlett G., Grad R., Jacques A., Dawes M., Abrahamowicz M., Perreault
  • R., Taylor L., Winslade N., Poissant L., Pinsonneault A., (2006). The Development and Evaluation of
  • Integrated Electronic Prescribing and Drug Management System for Primary Care, Journal of the
  • American Medical Information Association, 13(2):148-159.
Year 2015, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 0 - 0, 11.01.2016



  • Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (2012). Electronic Prescribing in the United Kingdom and in the
  • Netherlands. AHRQ Publication No. 11-0044-EF
  • American Medical Association (AMA), American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), American College of
  • Physicians (ACP), Medical Group Management Association (MGMA), e-Health Initiative, and the Center
  • for Improving Medication Management (2011). A Clinician’s Guide to E-Prescribing. 2011 Update.
  • Arlington, VA, USA.
  • Bell DS., Cretin s., Marken RS., Landman AB., (2004). A Conceptual Framework for Evaluating Outpatient
  • Electronic Prescribing Systems Based on Their Functional Capabilities., J Am Med. Inform Assoc. 11:
  • -70.
  • Birinci (2013) Hastane Bilgi Yönetim Sistemleri, (İçinde: Hastane Yönetimi ed: Haydar Sur, Tuncay Palteki),
  • Nobel Tıp, İstanbul, 285-304.
  • Canadian Medical Association (2012). e-Prescribing Joint Statement.
  • Crosson J.C.,Etz R.S., Wu S., Straus S. G., Eisenman D., Bell D. S. (2011). Meaningfull Use of Electronic
  • Prescribing in 5 Exeplar Care Practices, Annals of Family Medicine, 9(5): 392-397.
  • Dainty K.N, Adhikari N.K.J., Kiss A., Quan S., Zwarenstein M. (2011). Electronic Prescribing an Ambulatory
  • Care Setting: A Cluster Randomized Trial, Journal of Evaluation Clinical Practice, 18(2012):761-767.
  • Goldman R.E.,Dube C., Lapane K.L. (2010). Beyond the Basics: Refills by Electronic Prescribing, International
  • Journal of Medical Informatics 79(2010):507-514.
  • Hair J, Anderson R, Tatham R, & Black W. (1998). Multivariate data analysis. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
  • (Erişim tarihi:
  • 06.2013)
  • Lipton Hl., Miller Rh., Wimbush Jj. (2003). Electronic Prescribing: Ready for Prime Time? J. Healthcare Inform
  • Management 17:449-454.
  • National Coordinating Council for Medication Error Reporting and Prevention (NCC Merp) (2006).
  • Recommendation to Reduce Medication Errors Associated with Verbal Medication Orders and
  • Prescriptions Oakbrook Terrace, II.
  • NHS Connecting for Health (2009). Electronic prescribing in hospitals: Challenges and lessons learned.
  • Riccioli, C., Cacciabue, PC., Campanini, M., Jung, M., Marcilly, R. (2011). Designing, implementing and
  • evaluating prescription A field study and comparison with PSIP results. In: Koutkias, V., Niès, J., Jensen,
  • S., Maglaveras, N. and Beuscart R. (Eds). Patient Safety Informatics - Adverse Drug Events, Human
  • Factors and IT Tools for Patient Medication Safety. IOS Press,. Amsterdam. pp. 105-115.
  • Santell Jp, Cosins DD, (2005). Medication Errors Related to Product Names. Joint Commission Journal on
  • Quality and Patient Safety, 31(11):649-654.
  • Schiff GD., Rucker D. (1998). Computerized Prescribing: Building The Electronic Infrastructure for Better
  • Medication Usage. Jama 279:1024-1029.
  • Tambyln R.,Huang A., Kawasumi Y., Bartlett G., Grad R., Jacques A., Dawes M., Abrahamowicz M., Perreault
  • R., Taylor L., Winslade N., Poissant L., Pinsonneault A., (2006). The Development and Evaluation of
  • Integrated Electronic Prescribing and Drug Management System for Primary Care, Journal of the
  • American Medical Information Association, 13(2):148-159.
There are 40 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Ömer Gider

Saffet Ocak

Mehmet Top

Publication Date January 11, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 10 Issue: 1
