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Gebelik, Doğum ve Doğum Sonrası Dönemlerde Üriner İnkontinans ve Korunma Yollar›

Year 2008, Volume: 16 Issue: 62, 143 - 149, 16.09.2014


Üriner inkontinans kad›nlar›n sosyal, emosyonel ve seksüel yaflamlar›n› k›s›tlayan yayg›n bir problemdir. Üriner inkontinans
kad›nlarda erkeklere oranla 2–5 kat daha fazla görülmektedir.
Gebelik, parite, vajinal do¤um, epizyotomi, üçüncü derece perine y›rt›¤› ve pelvik kas hasar›, yanl›fl yap›lan müdahaleler, iri
bebek, obezite, üriner inkontinansa neden olan risk faktörleri aras›ndad›r. Alt üriner sistem semptomlar› ve üriner inkontinans
özellikle gebelikte yayg›nd›r ve gestasyonel haftalar ilerledikçe, terme kadar flikayetler artmaktad›r. Do¤umdan sonra ise
semptomlar genellikle azalmaktad›r. Ancak bir k›s›m hastada do¤um sonu kal›c› inkontinans görülebilmektedir.
Gebelik ve do¤um sonras› dönemde üriner inkontinans flikayeti olan kad›nlar için en uygun tedavi yöntemi olarak, konservatif
tedavi yöntemlerinden pelvik taban kas egzersizleri önerilmektedir.
Üriner inkontinans›n önlenmesi ve tedavisi multidisipliner bir ekip yaklafl›m› gerektirir. Ekibin vazgeçilmez üyelerinden olan
hemflireler bu alanda dan›flman, e¤itimci, araflt›r›c›, klinisyen ve koordinatör rolleriyle önemli görevler almaktad›rlar.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Üriner inkontinans, gebelik, do¤um, do¤um sonras›.


  • Abrams, P. (2002). The standardisation of terminology of lo- wer urinary tract function: Report from the standardisation sub-committee of the International Continence Society. Ne- urourol Urodyn; 21: 167-78.
  • Biri, A. ve ark (2006). Insidence of stress urinary inconti- nence among women in Turkey. Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Flo- or Dysfunct, Agust 21.
  • Cardoza, L. (1997). Urogynecology The King’s Approach. Pearson Professional Limited, New York, Edinburg, London. Cardozo, L., Cutner, A. (1997). Lower urinary tract symptomsin pregnancy. Br J Urol, 8(19): 14- 23.
  • Chaliha, C., Khullar, V., Sultan, A. L., Stanton, S. L. S. (2000). Postpartum stress incontinence: A geniune symptom. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 19(4): 505- 6
  • Cutner, A., Wilson, R., K. (2000). Lower urinary tract in pregnancy. Stanton, Monga, A. K. (Eds.). Clinical Urogyne- cology, Churchill Livingstone, London, 473-483.
  • Davison, J. M. (2000). Upper urinary tract in pregnancy. Stanton., Monga, A. K. (Eds.).Clinical Urogynecology, Churchill Livingstone, London, 465-470.
  • Dinç, A., Kızılkaya, N., Yalçın, O. (2002). Urinary inconti- nence in pregnancy. International Urogynecology Journal, 13(1): 46
  • Dinç, A., Kızılkaya, N., Yalçın, O. (2006). Efficiency of pel- vic floor muscle exercises in treatment and prevention of uri- nary incontinence during pregnancy and postpartum period. International Urogynecology Journal: Including Pelvic Floor Dysfunction, 17(2): 299.
  • Digesu, A., Toozs-Hobson, P., Bidmead, J., Cardoza, L., Ro- binson, D. (2000). Pregnancy, childbirth and urinary inconti- nence: Caesarean for all? Neurourology and Urodynamics, 19(4): 508-9.
  • Dolan, L. M. ve ark (2004). A study of quality of life in primigravidae with urinary incontinence. Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct, 15(3): 160-164.
  • Francis, W. J. A. (1960). Disturbances in bladder function in relation to pregnancy. J Obstet Gynaecol Br empire, 67: 353- 66.
  • Fultz, H. N., Herzog, R.. (2001). Self reported social and emotional impact of urinary incontinence. J Am Geriatri Soc, 49:892-899.
  • Granese, R., Adile, B. (2006). Urinary incontinence in preg- nancy and in puerperium: 3 months follow-up after delivery, Obstetrics & Gynecology, 863-872.
  • Grautz, A. ve ark (1999). Stress urinary incontinence: Preva- lence among nulliparous compared with primiparous and grand multiparous premenopausal women. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 18: 419-425
  • Günay, S., Yazıcı, G., Yalçın, Ö. (2002). Üriner inkontinan- sı olan gebelerde ürodinamik değerlendirme sonuçlarımız, 2 Ulusal Ürojinekoloji Kongresi, 12-17 Nisan, İstanbul.
  • Haslam, J., Thapson, J., Oliver, H., Bridges, N. (1997). Sims Portex Teaching Pack for Continence Advisors, Volume II. Hvidman, L., Foldspang, A., Momsen, S., Nielson, J. B. (2003). Postpartum urinar incontinence. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2(6): 556-563.
  • Karan, A., ve ark (2000). Üriner inkontinanslı hastalarda ya- şam kalitesi ve objektif değerlendirme parametreleri ile iliş- kisi. Geriatri 3: 102-106.
  • Karacam, Z., Eroğlu, K. (2003). Effect of episiotomi on bon- ding and mother’s health. J Adv Nurs., 43: 384-394.
  • Koçak, I., Okyay, P., Dündar, M., Erol, H., Beşer, E. (2005). Female urinary incontinence in the west of Turkey; preva- lence, risk factors and impact on quality of life. Eur Urol, 48(4): 634-41.
  • Kristionsson, P., Samuelsson, E., Van, Schoultz, B., Svard- sudd, K. (2001). Reproductive hormones and stress urinary incontinence in pregnancy. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 80(12): 1125-1130.
  • Kök, G., Şenel, N., Akgül, A. (2006). GATA Jinekoloji po- likliniğine başvuran 20 yaş üstü kadınların üriner inkontinans açısından farkındalık durumlarının değer- lendirilmesi, Gülhane Tıp Dergisi, 48: 132-136.
  • Lange, R., Walther, D., Casper, F., Krakeshaus, D. R. K. (2000). Changes of the pelvic floor during pregnancy-A lon- gitudinal study of 38 pregnant women. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 19: 4
  • Mascerenhas, T. ve ark (2001) Lower urinary tract symptoms in pregnancy and after childbirth: A retrospective study, In- ternational Urogynecology Journal, 12(3): 168, 236.
  • Morkved, S., Bo, K. (2000). Effect of postpartum pelvic flo- or muscle training in prevention and treatment of urinary in- continence: A one–year follow up. BR J Obstet Gynecol, 107: 1022-1028.
  • Morkved, S., Kari, B., Schei, B., Salvesen, K. (2003). Pel- vic floor muscle training during pregnancy to prevent uri- nary incontinence. A single-blind randomized controlled trial. Obstet&Gynecol 101: 313-319.
  • Persson, J., Hansen, P. W., Rydhstroem, H. (2000). Obstet- ric risk factors for stress urinary incontinence: A population- based study. Obstet Gynecol 96(3): 440-445.
  • Peyrad, L. ve ark (2002). Prevalence and risk factors of uri- nary incontinence in young and middle-aged women. BJU In- ternational, 89: 61-66.
  • Reilly, E. T. C. ve ark (2002). Prevention of postpartum stress incontinence in primigravidae with increased bladder neck mobility: A randomised controlled trial of antenatal pel- vic floor exercises. BJOG, 109: 68-76.
  • Sartore, A., De, Seto, F., Maso, G., Pregazi, R., Grimald, E. (2004). The effect of mediolateral episiotomy on pelvic flo- or function after vaginal delivery. Obstet Gynecol 103: 669- 673.
  • Scarpa, K. P., Hermann, V., Palma, P. C., Ricetto, C. C., Morais, S. (2006). Prevalence of urinary symptoms in the third trimester of pregnancy: Rev Assoc Med Bras, May- Ju- ne; 52(3): 153-6.
  • Sampselle, C. M., Miller, J.M., Mims, B. L., De Lancey, J., Ashtan-Miller J.
  • Effect of pelvic muscle exercise on transient incontinence du- ring pregnancy and after birth. Obstetrics Gynecology, 3: 406-412.
  • Smith, K. M., Drutz, H. P. (2002). The effect of pregnancy and childbirth on the lower urinary tract and pelvic floor. Drutz, H., Nicholas, S. H., Dioment, E. (Eds.). Female pel- vic medicine and reconstructive pelvic surgery, Springer, Lon- don, 69-78.
  • Song, Y. F., Zhong, W. J., Song, J. Xu, B. (2005). Prevalanc and risk factors of urinary incontinence in Fushou Chinese women. Chin Med J., Jun 5, 118(11): 887-92.
  • Tanaka, J., Fukui, J. (2000). An approach to prevention of urinaryincontinence- Effectiveness of guidence on training of pelvic floor for pregnant women. ICS 2000 International Continence Society Annual Meeting, Tampere, Finland.
  • Thomason, A. D., Miller, J. M., De lancy, J. (2006). Uri- nary incontinence symptoms during and after pregnancy in continent and incontinent primiparas. Int. Urogynecol J. 192(6): 124-8.
  • Toozs – Hobson, P., Cutner, A. (2001). Pregnancy and child- birth. Cardoza, L., Staskin, D. (Eds.). Textbook of female Urology and urogynecology,
  • A member of the Taylo.
  • Isis Medical Media Ltd, Viktrup, L. (2002). The risk of lower urinary tract symptoms five years after the first delivery. Neuourology and Urody- namics, 21:2-29.
  • Wesnes, S. L., Rotweit, G., Bo, K., Hurskeor, S. (2007). Uri- nar incontinence during pregnancy. Obstetrics& Gynecology, 109: 922-928.
  • Williams, K. (2004). Stres urinary incontinence; treatment and support. Nurs Stand., 18: 45-52.
  • Wilson, P., Herbison, R. M., Herbison, G. P. (1996). Obs- tetric practice and the prevalence of incontinence three months after delivery. Br J Obstet Gynecol, 103: 154-161 . Woldringh, C., Wijngaart van den, M., Heitner, P. A., Nije- hold, A, Janssen, T. L. (2007). Pelvic floor muscle training is not effective in women with UI in pregnancy: A rando- misedcontrolled trial. Int Urogynecol J, 18(4): 383-390.
Year 2008, Volume: 16 Issue: 62, 143 - 149, 16.09.2014



  • Abrams, P. (2002). The standardisation of terminology of lo- wer urinary tract function: Report from the standardisation sub-committee of the International Continence Society. Ne- urourol Urodyn; 21: 167-78.
  • Biri, A. ve ark (2006). Insidence of stress urinary inconti- nence among women in Turkey. Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Flo- or Dysfunct, Agust 21.
  • Cardoza, L. (1997). Urogynecology The King’s Approach. Pearson Professional Limited, New York, Edinburg, London. Cardozo, L., Cutner, A. (1997). Lower urinary tract symptomsin pregnancy. Br J Urol, 8(19): 14- 23.
  • Chaliha, C., Khullar, V., Sultan, A. L., Stanton, S. L. S. (2000). Postpartum stress incontinence: A geniune symptom. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 19(4): 505- 6
  • Cutner, A., Wilson, R., K. (2000). Lower urinary tract in pregnancy. Stanton, Monga, A. K. (Eds.). Clinical Urogyne- cology, Churchill Livingstone, London, 473-483.
  • Davison, J. M. (2000). Upper urinary tract in pregnancy. Stanton., Monga, A. K. (Eds.).Clinical Urogynecology, Churchill Livingstone, London, 465-470.
  • Dinç, A., Kızılkaya, N., Yalçın, O. (2002). Urinary inconti- nence in pregnancy. International Urogynecology Journal, 13(1): 46
  • Dinç, A., Kızılkaya, N., Yalçın, O. (2006). Efficiency of pel- vic floor muscle exercises in treatment and prevention of uri- nary incontinence during pregnancy and postpartum period. International Urogynecology Journal: Including Pelvic Floor Dysfunction, 17(2): 299.
  • Digesu, A., Toozs-Hobson, P., Bidmead, J., Cardoza, L., Ro- binson, D. (2000). Pregnancy, childbirth and urinary inconti- nence: Caesarean for all? Neurourology and Urodynamics, 19(4): 508-9.
  • Dolan, L. M. ve ark (2004). A study of quality of life in primigravidae with urinary incontinence. Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct, 15(3): 160-164.
  • Francis, W. J. A. (1960). Disturbances in bladder function in relation to pregnancy. J Obstet Gynaecol Br empire, 67: 353- 66.
  • Fultz, H. N., Herzog, R.. (2001). Self reported social and emotional impact of urinary incontinence. J Am Geriatri Soc, 49:892-899.
  • Granese, R., Adile, B. (2006). Urinary incontinence in preg- nancy and in puerperium: 3 months follow-up after delivery, Obstetrics & Gynecology, 863-872.
  • Grautz, A. ve ark (1999). Stress urinary incontinence: Preva- lence among nulliparous compared with primiparous and grand multiparous premenopausal women. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 18: 419-425
  • Günay, S., Yazıcı, G., Yalçın, Ö. (2002). Üriner inkontinan- sı olan gebelerde ürodinamik değerlendirme sonuçlarımız, 2 Ulusal Ürojinekoloji Kongresi, 12-17 Nisan, İstanbul.
  • Haslam, J., Thapson, J., Oliver, H., Bridges, N. (1997). Sims Portex Teaching Pack for Continence Advisors, Volume II. Hvidman, L., Foldspang, A., Momsen, S., Nielson, J. B. (2003). Postpartum urinar incontinence. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2(6): 556-563.
  • Karan, A., ve ark (2000). Üriner inkontinanslı hastalarda ya- şam kalitesi ve objektif değerlendirme parametreleri ile iliş- kisi. Geriatri 3: 102-106.
  • Karacam, Z., Eroğlu, K. (2003). Effect of episiotomi on bon- ding and mother’s health. J Adv Nurs., 43: 384-394.
  • Koçak, I., Okyay, P., Dündar, M., Erol, H., Beşer, E. (2005). Female urinary incontinence in the west of Turkey; preva- lence, risk factors and impact on quality of life. Eur Urol, 48(4): 634-41.
  • Kristionsson, P., Samuelsson, E., Van, Schoultz, B., Svard- sudd, K. (2001). Reproductive hormones and stress urinary incontinence in pregnancy. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 80(12): 1125-1130.
  • Kök, G., Şenel, N., Akgül, A. (2006). GATA Jinekoloji po- likliniğine başvuran 20 yaş üstü kadınların üriner inkontinans açısından farkındalık durumlarının değer- lendirilmesi, Gülhane Tıp Dergisi, 48: 132-136.
  • Lange, R., Walther, D., Casper, F., Krakeshaus, D. R. K. (2000). Changes of the pelvic floor during pregnancy-A lon- gitudinal study of 38 pregnant women. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 19: 4
  • Mascerenhas, T. ve ark (2001) Lower urinary tract symptoms in pregnancy and after childbirth: A retrospective study, In- ternational Urogynecology Journal, 12(3): 168, 236.
  • Morkved, S., Bo, K. (2000). Effect of postpartum pelvic flo- or muscle training in prevention and treatment of urinary in- continence: A one–year follow up. BR J Obstet Gynecol, 107: 1022-1028.
  • Morkved, S., Kari, B., Schei, B., Salvesen, K. (2003). Pel- vic floor muscle training during pregnancy to prevent uri- nary incontinence. A single-blind randomized controlled trial. Obstet&Gynecol 101: 313-319.
  • Persson, J., Hansen, P. W., Rydhstroem, H. (2000). Obstet- ric risk factors for stress urinary incontinence: A population- based study. Obstet Gynecol 96(3): 440-445.
  • Peyrad, L. ve ark (2002). Prevalence and risk factors of uri- nary incontinence in young and middle-aged women. BJU In- ternational, 89: 61-66.
  • Reilly, E. T. C. ve ark (2002). Prevention of postpartum stress incontinence in primigravidae with increased bladder neck mobility: A randomised controlled trial of antenatal pel- vic floor exercises. BJOG, 109: 68-76.
  • Sartore, A., De, Seto, F., Maso, G., Pregazi, R., Grimald, E. (2004). The effect of mediolateral episiotomy on pelvic flo- or function after vaginal delivery. Obstet Gynecol 103: 669- 673.
  • Scarpa, K. P., Hermann, V., Palma, P. C., Ricetto, C. C., Morais, S. (2006). Prevalence of urinary symptoms in the third trimester of pregnancy: Rev Assoc Med Bras, May- Ju- ne; 52(3): 153-6.
  • Sampselle, C. M., Miller, J.M., Mims, B. L., De Lancey, J., Ashtan-Miller J.
  • Effect of pelvic muscle exercise on transient incontinence du- ring pregnancy and after birth. Obstetrics Gynecology, 3: 406-412.
  • Smith, K. M., Drutz, H. P. (2002). The effect of pregnancy and childbirth on the lower urinary tract and pelvic floor. Drutz, H., Nicholas, S. H., Dioment, E. (Eds.). Female pel- vic medicine and reconstructive pelvic surgery, Springer, Lon- don, 69-78.
  • Song, Y. F., Zhong, W. J., Song, J. Xu, B. (2005). Prevalanc and risk factors of urinary incontinence in Fushou Chinese women. Chin Med J., Jun 5, 118(11): 887-92.
  • Tanaka, J., Fukui, J. (2000). An approach to prevention of urinaryincontinence- Effectiveness of guidence on training of pelvic floor for pregnant women. ICS 2000 International Continence Society Annual Meeting, Tampere, Finland.
  • Thomason, A. D., Miller, J. M., De lancy, J. (2006). Uri- nary incontinence symptoms during and after pregnancy in continent and incontinent primiparas. Int. Urogynecol J. 192(6): 124-8.
  • Toozs – Hobson, P., Cutner, A. (2001). Pregnancy and child- birth. Cardoza, L., Staskin, D. (Eds.). Textbook of female Urology and urogynecology,
  • A member of the Taylo.
  • Isis Medical Media Ltd, Viktrup, L. (2002). The risk of lower urinary tract symptoms five years after the first delivery. Neuourology and Urody- namics, 21:2-29.
  • Wesnes, S. L., Rotweit, G., Bo, K., Hurskeor, S. (2007). Uri- nar incontinence during pregnancy. Obstetrics& Gynecology, 109: 922-928.
  • Williams, K. (2004). Stres urinary incontinence; treatment and support. Nurs Stand., 18: 45-52.
  • Wilson, P., Herbison, R. M., Herbison, G. P. (1996). Obs- tetric practice and the prevalence of incontinence three months after delivery. Br J Obstet Gynecol, 103: 154-161 . Woldringh, C., Wijngaart van den, M., Heitner, P. A., Nije- hold, A, Janssen, T. L. (2007). Pelvic floor muscle training is not effective in women with UI in pregnancy: A rando- misedcontrolled trial. Int Urogynecol J, 18(4): 383-390.
There are 42 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Reviews

Ayten Dinç

Publication Date September 16, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2008 Volume: 16 Issue: 62


APA Dinç, A. (2014). Gebelik, Doğum ve Doğum Sonrası Dönemlerde Üriner İnkontinans ve Korunma Yollar›. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing, 16(62), 143-149.
AMA Dinç A. Gebelik, Doğum ve Doğum Sonrası Dönemlerde Üriner İnkontinans ve Korunma Yollar›. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing. September 2014;16(62):143-149.
Chicago Dinç, Ayten. “Gebelik, Doğum Ve Doğum Sonrası Dönemlerde Üriner İnkontinans Ve Korunma Yollar›”. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing 16, no. 62 (September 2014): 143-49.
EndNote Dinç A (September 1, 2014) Gebelik, Doğum ve Doğum Sonrası Dönemlerde Üriner İnkontinans ve Korunma Yollar›. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing 16 62 143–149.
IEEE A. Dinç, “Gebelik, Doğum ve Doğum Sonrası Dönemlerde Üriner İnkontinans ve Korunma Yollar›”, Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing, vol. 16, no. 62, pp. 143–149, 2014.
ISNAD Dinç, Ayten. “Gebelik, Doğum Ve Doğum Sonrası Dönemlerde Üriner İnkontinans Ve Korunma Yollar›”. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing 16/62 (September 2014), 143-149.
JAMA Dinç A. Gebelik, Doğum ve Doğum Sonrası Dönemlerde Üriner İnkontinans ve Korunma Yollar›. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing. 2014;16:143–149.
MLA Dinç, Ayten. “Gebelik, Doğum Ve Doğum Sonrası Dönemlerde Üriner İnkontinans Ve Korunma Yollar›”. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing, vol. 16, no. 62, 2014, pp. 143-9.
Vancouver Dinç A. Gebelik, Doğum ve Doğum Sonrası Dönemlerde Üriner İnkontinans ve Korunma Yollar›. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing. 2014;16(62):143-9.