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Derin Beyin Stimülasyonu Ameliyatı Yapılmış Parkinson Hastaları ile Medikal Tedavi Alan Parkinson Hastalarının Beslenme Durumu ve Alışkanlıklarının Karşılaştırmalı Olarak Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2022, , 150 - 159, 30.12.2022


Amaç: Bu çalışmada, derin beyin stimülasyonu (DBS) ameliyatı olan Parkinson hastaları (PH) ile ilaç tedavisi alan Parkinson hastalarının beslenme durumu ve alışkanlıklarının değerlendirilmesi amaçlandı.
Materyal Metot: Çalışmanın materyalini Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Hastanesi Nöromodülasyon Merkezine başvuran DBS cerrahisi uygulanmış 24, DBS cerrahisi uygulanmamış 24 Parkinson hastası ile 24 sağlıklı kontrol grubu oluşturdu. Çalışmaya katılan hastalar altı ay boyunca takip edildiler. Araştırmaya katılan tüm bireylere ait genel bilgiler, antropometrik ölçümler, besin tüketim durumları ve beslenme alışkanlıkları yöntemine uygun olarak saptandı. Levadopa eşdeğeri günlük dozları hastaların tremorunun şiddetine göre belirlendi. DBS ameliyatının ilk kısmı lokal anestezi altında, ikinci kısmı ise genel anestezi altında yapıldı.
Bulgular: DBS uygulanmış ve DBS uygulanmamış Parkinsonlu erkek ve kadın hastaların antropometrik ölçümlerinde kalori, besin gruplarında şeker ve tatlı grubu önemli bulundu (p<0,05). DBS uygulanmamış Parkinsonlu kadın hastalar ile kontrol grubu besin grupları arasında içecekler grubu ve yağ grubu arasında anlam vardı (p<0,05). Parkinson hastalığı olan DBS uygulanan kadın hastalarda ve kontrol grubundaki kadınlarda antropometrik ölçümlerde bel-kalça oranı ve kaloriler anlamlı bulunurken, yiyecek gruplarında içecek, şeker ve tatlı grupları anlamlı bulundu (p<0.05). Parkinson hastaları ile kontrol grubu arasında cinsiyete bakılmaksızın, içecek grubu ile diğer grup arasında; DBS ile tedavi edilen Parkinson hastaları ile kontrol grubu arasında, antropometrik ölçümlerde bel-kalça oranı ile kalori arasında bir önem vardı; DBS olan ve olmayan Parkinson hastalarının antropometrik ölçümlerinde kalori ve şekerli-tatlı grupları arasında anlamlı fark bulundu (p<0.05).
Sonuç: DBS uygulanan hastalarda diğer hastalara göre kilo ve kalori düzeyinde artış gözlendi. DBS cerrahisi sonrası hastaların LEDD dozlarının da düştüğü gözlendi.


  • Andersson I, Sidenvall B. (2001) Case studies of food shopping, cooking and eating habits in older women with Parkinson’s disease. Journal of Advanced Nursing 35(1), 69-78.
  • Anonim. (2019). [Erişim Tarihi: 16 Aralık 2019].
  • Bachmann CG, Zapf A, Brunner E, Trenkwalder C. (2009) Dopaminergic treatment is associated with decreased body weight in patients with Parkinson’s disease and dyskinesias. European Journal of Neurology 16(8), 895-901.
  • Barichella M, Cereda E, Pezzoli G. (2009) Major nutritional issues in the management of Parkinson's disease. Movement Disorders 24(13), 1881-1892.
  • Barichella M, Marczewska AM, Mariani C, Landi A, Vairo A, Pezzoli G (2003). Body weight gain rate in patients with Parkinson's disease and deep brain stimulation. Movement Disorders: Official Journal of The Movement Disorder Society 18(11), 1337-1340.
  • Berg D, Postuma RB, Bloem B, Chan P, Dubois B, Gasser T et all. (2014) Time to redefine PD? Introductory statement of the MDS Task Force on the definition of Parkinson's disease. Movement Disorders 29(4), 454-462.
  • Bhimani R. (2014) Understanding the burden on caregivers of people with Parkinson’s: A scoping review of the literature. Rehabilitation Research and Practice 1:8.
  • Bonuccelli U, Del Dotto P, Rascol O. (2009) Role of dopamine receptor agonists in the treatment of early Parkinson's disease. Parkinsonism&Related Disorders 15:44-53.
  • Cakmur R. (2011) Parkinson hastalığı ve medikal tedavisi. Klinik Gelişim, 53-58.
  • Cereda E, Barichella M, Pezzoli G. (2010) Controlled-protein dietary regimens for Parkinson's disease. Nutritional Neuroscience 13(1), 29-32.
  • Chao Y, Wong SC, Tan EK. (2014) Evidence of inflammatory system involvement in Parkinson’s disease. Biomed Research International 1-9.
  • Davies KN, King D, Davies H. (1994) A study of the nutritional status of elderly patients with Parkinson’s disease. Age and Ageing 23(2), 142-146.
  • Fox SH, Lang AE. (2008) Levodopa related motor complications—Phenomenology. Movement Disorders: Official Journal of The Movement Disorder Society 23(3), 509-514.
  • Gangania MK, Batra J, Kushwaha S, Agarwal R. (2017) Role of Iron and Copper in the Pathogenesis of Parkinson’s Disease. Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry 32(3), 353-356.
  • Gironell A, Kulisevsky J, Rami L, Fortuny N, García-Sánchez C, Pascual-Sedano B. (2003) Effects of pallidotomy and bilateral subthalamic stimulation on cognitive function in Parkinson disease. Journal of Neurology 250(8), 917-923.
  • Gökçal E, Gür VE, Selvitop R, Yildiz GB, Asil T. (2017) İdiyopatik Parkinson Hastalığında Motor ve Non-motor Semptomlar ve Yaşam kalitesine Etkileri. Noro-Psikyatri Arşivi 54(2), 143.
  • Hariz, M. I. (2002) Complications of deep brain stimulation surgery. Movement Disorders: Official Journal of The Movement Disorder Society 17(3), 162-S166.
  • Hotta M, Nemoto S, Nomura Y, Suzuki T, Kamo T. (2002) Changes in digestive tract function in Parkinson's disease (PD) patients receiving antiparkinson agents. In Movement Disorders 17, 141.
  • Italian NS. (2003) Treatment of Parkinson's disease. Neurological sciences: Official Journal of The Italian Neurological Society and The Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology 24, 165.
  • Kocabıçak E, Temel Y. (2013) Deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus in Parkinson's disease: surgical technique, tips, tricks and complications. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 115(11), 2318-2323.
  • Levi S, Cox M, Lugon M, Hodkinson M, Tomkins A. (1990) Increased energy expenditure in Parkinson's disease. British Medical Journal 301(6763), 1256.
  • Liu H, Su W, Li S, Du W, Ma X, Jin Y, Li K, Chen H. (2017) Eradication of Helicobacter pylori infection might improve clinical status of patients with Parkinson’s disease, especially on bradykinesia. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 160,101-104.
  • Long-Smith CM, Sullivan AM, Nolan YM. (2009) The influence of microglia on the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease. Progress in Neurobiology 89(3), 277-287.
  • Lorefalt B, Granérus AK, Unosson M. (2006) Avoidance of solid food in weight losing older patients with Parkinson's disease. Journal of Clinical Nursing 15(11), 1404-1412.
  • Markus HS, Cox M, Tomkins AM. (1992) Raised resting energy expenditure in Parkinson's disease and its relationship to muscle rigidity. Clinical Science 83(2), 199-204.
  • Marsden CD. (1994) Problems with long-term levodopa therapy for Parkinson's disease. Clinical Neuropharmacology 17(2), 32-44.
  • McKinnon C, Gros P, Lee DJ, Hamani C, Lozano AM, Kalia LV, Kalia SK. (2019) Deep brain stimulation: potential for neuroprotection. Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology 6(1), 174-185.
  • Montaurier C, Morio B, Bannier S, Derost P, Arnaud P, Brandolini-Bunlon M, Durif F. (2007) Mechanisms of body weight gain in patients with Parkinson's disease after subthalamic stimulation. Brain 130(7), 1808-1818.
  • Mridula KR, Borgohain R, Chandrasekhar Reddy V, Bandaru VCS, Suryaprabha T. (2017) Association of Helicobacter pylori with Parkinson's Disease. Journal of Clinical Neurology 13(2), 181-186.
  • Nováková L, Haluzík M, Jech R, Urgosik D, Ruzicka F, Ruzicka E. (2011) Hormonal regulators of food intake and weight gain in Parkinson’s disease after subthalamic nucleus stimulation. Neuroendocrinology Letters 32(4), 437-441.
  • Nozaki S, Saito T, Matsumura T, Miyai I, Kang J. (1999) Relationship between weight loss and dysphagia in patients with Parkinson's disease, Clinical Neurology 39(10), 1010-1014.
  • Rieu I, Derost P, Ulla M, Marques A, Debilly B, De Chazeron I et all. (2011) Body weight gain and deep brain stimulation. Journal of The Neurological Sciences 310(1-2), 267-270.
  • Romito LMA, Scerrati M, Contarino MF, Bentivoglio AR, Tonali P, Albanese A. (2002) Long-term follow up of subthalamic nucleus stimulation in Parkinson’s disease. Neurology 58(10), 1546-1550.
  • Scott DM, Brown DA. (2009) Parkinson’s disease: A review. Drug Topics 153(3), 40–47.
  • Seidl SE, Santiago JA, Bilyk H, Potashkin JA. (2014) The emerging role of nutrition in Parkinson's disease. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 6, 36.
  • Sheard JM, Ash S, Mellick GD, Silburn PA, Kerr GK. (2013) Malnutrition in a sample of community-dwelling people with Parkinson’s disease. Plos One 8(1), e53290.
  • Sheard JM, Ash S, Silburn PA, Kerr GK. (2011) Prevalence of malnutrition in Parkinson's disease: a systematic review. Nutrition Reviews 69(9), 520-532.
  • Shen Z, Ke J, Zhi Z. (2009) Guidelines for the treament of Parkinson’s disease. Movement Disorder and Parkinson’s Disease Group of Chinese Society of Neurology 42(5), 352-355.
  • Tan AH, Mahadeva S, Marras C, Thalha AM et al. (2015) Helicobacter pylori infection is associated with worse severity of Parkinson's disease. Parkinsonism&Related Disorders 21(3), 221-225.
  • Valldeoriola F, Pilleri M, Tolosa E, Molinuevo JL, Rumià J, Ferrer E. (2002) Bilateral subthalamic stimulation monotherapy in advanced Parkinson's disease: long term follow up of stimulation. Neuroendocrinology Letters 32(4), 437-441.
  • Wang G, Wan Y, Cheng Q, Xiao Q, Wang Y et all. (2010) Malnutrition and associated factors in Chinese patients with Parkinson's disease: Results from a pilot investigation. Parkinsonism&Related Disorders 16(2), 119-123.
  • Weaver FM, Follett K, Stern M, Hur K, Harris C, William J et all. (2009) Bilateral Deep Brain Stimulation vs Best Medical Therapy for Patients With Advanced Parkinson Disease. A Randomized Controlled Trial, JAMA 301(1).


Year 2022, , 150 - 159, 30.12.2022


Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the nutritional status and habits of Parkinson’s patients with deep brain stimulation (DBS) surgery and Parkinson's patients receiving drug treatment.
Material and Method: The study material consisted of 24 patients with DBS surgery, 24 patients with Parkinson's disease and 24 healthy controls who applied to Ondokuz Mayıs University Hospital Neuromodulation Center. Patients were observed for six months. General information, anthropometric measurements, nutrient consumption status and nutritional habits of all participants were determined. Levadopa equivalent daily doses were determined according to the severity of tremor of the patients. The first part of the DBS surgery was performed under local anesthesia, and the second part was performed under general anesthesia.
Result: In the anthropometric measurements of male and female patients with Parkinson's disease with and without DBS, calories, sugar and sweets groups were found to be significant in food groups (p<0.05). There was a significant difference between the beverage group and the oil group between the female patients with Parkinson's disease who did not receive DBS and the control group food groups (p<0.05). Waist-hip ratio and calories were found to be significant in anthropometric measurements in female patients with Parkinson's disease who underwent DBS and in women in the control group, while beverages, sugar and sweets groups were significant in food groups (p<0.05). Between the patients with Parkinson's disease and the control group, regardless of gender, between the beverage group and the other group; Between DBS-treated Parkinson's patients and the control group, there was a correlation between waist-hip ratio and calories in anthropometric measurements; In the anthropometric measurements of Parkinson's patients with and without DBS, a significant difference was found between the calorie and sugar-sweet groups (p<0.05).
Conclusion: An increase in weight and calorie levels was observed in patients who underwent DBS compared to other patients. It was observed that the LEDD doses of the patients were also decreased after DBS surgery.


  • Andersson I, Sidenvall B. (2001) Case studies of food shopping, cooking and eating habits in older women with Parkinson’s disease. Journal of Advanced Nursing 35(1), 69-78.
  • Anonim. (2019). [Erişim Tarihi: 16 Aralık 2019].
  • Bachmann CG, Zapf A, Brunner E, Trenkwalder C. (2009) Dopaminergic treatment is associated with decreased body weight in patients with Parkinson’s disease and dyskinesias. European Journal of Neurology 16(8), 895-901.
  • Barichella M, Cereda E, Pezzoli G. (2009) Major nutritional issues in the management of Parkinson's disease. Movement Disorders 24(13), 1881-1892.
  • Barichella M, Marczewska AM, Mariani C, Landi A, Vairo A, Pezzoli G (2003). Body weight gain rate in patients with Parkinson's disease and deep brain stimulation. Movement Disorders: Official Journal of The Movement Disorder Society 18(11), 1337-1340.
  • Berg D, Postuma RB, Bloem B, Chan P, Dubois B, Gasser T et all. (2014) Time to redefine PD? Introductory statement of the MDS Task Force on the definition of Parkinson's disease. Movement Disorders 29(4), 454-462.
  • Bhimani R. (2014) Understanding the burden on caregivers of people with Parkinson’s: A scoping review of the literature. Rehabilitation Research and Practice 1:8.
  • Bonuccelli U, Del Dotto P, Rascol O. (2009) Role of dopamine receptor agonists in the treatment of early Parkinson's disease. Parkinsonism&Related Disorders 15:44-53.
  • Cakmur R. (2011) Parkinson hastalığı ve medikal tedavisi. Klinik Gelişim, 53-58.
  • Cereda E, Barichella M, Pezzoli G. (2010) Controlled-protein dietary regimens for Parkinson's disease. Nutritional Neuroscience 13(1), 29-32.
  • Chao Y, Wong SC, Tan EK. (2014) Evidence of inflammatory system involvement in Parkinson’s disease. Biomed Research International 1-9.
  • Davies KN, King D, Davies H. (1994) A study of the nutritional status of elderly patients with Parkinson’s disease. Age and Ageing 23(2), 142-146.
  • Fox SH, Lang AE. (2008) Levodopa related motor complications—Phenomenology. Movement Disorders: Official Journal of The Movement Disorder Society 23(3), 509-514.
  • Gangania MK, Batra J, Kushwaha S, Agarwal R. (2017) Role of Iron and Copper in the Pathogenesis of Parkinson’s Disease. Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry 32(3), 353-356.
  • Gironell A, Kulisevsky J, Rami L, Fortuny N, García-Sánchez C, Pascual-Sedano B. (2003) Effects of pallidotomy and bilateral subthalamic stimulation on cognitive function in Parkinson disease. Journal of Neurology 250(8), 917-923.
  • Gökçal E, Gür VE, Selvitop R, Yildiz GB, Asil T. (2017) İdiyopatik Parkinson Hastalığında Motor ve Non-motor Semptomlar ve Yaşam kalitesine Etkileri. Noro-Psikyatri Arşivi 54(2), 143.
  • Hariz, M. I. (2002) Complications of deep brain stimulation surgery. Movement Disorders: Official Journal of The Movement Disorder Society 17(3), 162-S166.
  • Hotta M, Nemoto S, Nomura Y, Suzuki T, Kamo T. (2002) Changes in digestive tract function in Parkinson's disease (PD) patients receiving antiparkinson agents. In Movement Disorders 17, 141.
  • Italian NS. (2003) Treatment of Parkinson's disease. Neurological sciences: Official Journal of The Italian Neurological Society and The Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology 24, 165.
  • Kocabıçak E, Temel Y. (2013) Deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus in Parkinson's disease: surgical technique, tips, tricks and complications. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 115(11), 2318-2323.
  • Levi S, Cox M, Lugon M, Hodkinson M, Tomkins A. (1990) Increased energy expenditure in Parkinson's disease. British Medical Journal 301(6763), 1256.
  • Liu H, Su W, Li S, Du W, Ma X, Jin Y, Li K, Chen H. (2017) Eradication of Helicobacter pylori infection might improve clinical status of patients with Parkinson’s disease, especially on bradykinesia. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 160,101-104.
  • Long-Smith CM, Sullivan AM, Nolan YM. (2009) The influence of microglia on the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease. Progress in Neurobiology 89(3), 277-287.
  • Lorefalt B, Granérus AK, Unosson M. (2006) Avoidance of solid food in weight losing older patients with Parkinson's disease. Journal of Clinical Nursing 15(11), 1404-1412.
  • Markus HS, Cox M, Tomkins AM. (1992) Raised resting energy expenditure in Parkinson's disease and its relationship to muscle rigidity. Clinical Science 83(2), 199-204.
  • Marsden CD. (1994) Problems with long-term levodopa therapy for Parkinson's disease. Clinical Neuropharmacology 17(2), 32-44.
  • McKinnon C, Gros P, Lee DJ, Hamani C, Lozano AM, Kalia LV, Kalia SK. (2019) Deep brain stimulation: potential for neuroprotection. Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology 6(1), 174-185.
  • Montaurier C, Morio B, Bannier S, Derost P, Arnaud P, Brandolini-Bunlon M, Durif F. (2007) Mechanisms of body weight gain in patients with Parkinson's disease after subthalamic stimulation. Brain 130(7), 1808-1818.
  • Mridula KR, Borgohain R, Chandrasekhar Reddy V, Bandaru VCS, Suryaprabha T. (2017) Association of Helicobacter pylori with Parkinson's Disease. Journal of Clinical Neurology 13(2), 181-186.
  • Nováková L, Haluzík M, Jech R, Urgosik D, Ruzicka F, Ruzicka E. (2011) Hormonal regulators of food intake and weight gain in Parkinson’s disease after subthalamic nucleus stimulation. Neuroendocrinology Letters 32(4), 437-441.
  • Nozaki S, Saito T, Matsumura T, Miyai I, Kang J. (1999) Relationship between weight loss and dysphagia in patients with Parkinson's disease, Clinical Neurology 39(10), 1010-1014.
  • Rieu I, Derost P, Ulla M, Marques A, Debilly B, De Chazeron I et all. (2011) Body weight gain and deep brain stimulation. Journal of The Neurological Sciences 310(1-2), 267-270.
  • Romito LMA, Scerrati M, Contarino MF, Bentivoglio AR, Tonali P, Albanese A. (2002) Long-term follow up of subthalamic nucleus stimulation in Parkinson’s disease. Neurology 58(10), 1546-1550.
  • Scott DM, Brown DA. (2009) Parkinson’s disease: A review. Drug Topics 153(3), 40–47.
  • Seidl SE, Santiago JA, Bilyk H, Potashkin JA. (2014) The emerging role of nutrition in Parkinson's disease. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 6, 36.
  • Sheard JM, Ash S, Mellick GD, Silburn PA, Kerr GK. (2013) Malnutrition in a sample of community-dwelling people with Parkinson’s disease. Plos One 8(1), e53290.
  • Sheard JM, Ash S, Silburn PA, Kerr GK. (2011) Prevalence of malnutrition in Parkinson's disease: a systematic review. Nutrition Reviews 69(9), 520-532.
  • Shen Z, Ke J, Zhi Z. (2009) Guidelines for the treament of Parkinson’s disease. Movement Disorder and Parkinson’s Disease Group of Chinese Society of Neurology 42(5), 352-355.
  • Tan AH, Mahadeva S, Marras C, Thalha AM et al. (2015) Helicobacter pylori infection is associated with worse severity of Parkinson's disease. Parkinsonism&Related Disorders 21(3), 221-225.
  • Valldeoriola F, Pilleri M, Tolosa E, Molinuevo JL, Rumià J, Ferrer E. (2002) Bilateral subthalamic stimulation monotherapy in advanced Parkinson's disease: long term follow up of stimulation. Neuroendocrinology Letters 32(4), 437-441.
  • Wang G, Wan Y, Cheng Q, Xiao Q, Wang Y et all. (2010) Malnutrition and associated factors in Chinese patients with Parkinson's disease: Results from a pilot investigation. Parkinsonism&Related Disorders 16(2), 119-123.
  • Weaver FM, Follett K, Stern M, Hur K, Harris C, William J et all. (2009) Bilateral Deep Brain Stimulation vs Best Medical Therapy for Patients With Advanced Parkinson Disease. A Randomized Controlled Trial, JAMA 301(1).
There are 42 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Research Article

Kübra Pilan 0000-0002-4207-3262

Ali Ertekin 0000-0002-6299-9716

Publication Date December 30, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


Vancouver Pilan K, Ertekin A. Derin Beyin Stimülasyonu Ameliyatı Yapılmış Parkinson Hastaları ile Medikal Tedavi Alan Parkinson Hastalarının Beslenme Durumu ve Alışkanlıklarının Karşılaştırmalı Olarak Değerlendirilmesi. J Cumhuriyet Univ Health Sci Inst. 2022;7(3):150-9.

The Journal of Sivas Cumhuriyet University Institute of Health Sciences is an international, peer-reviewed scientific journal published by Sivas Cumhuriyet University, Institute of Health Sciences.