Research Article
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Investigation of the Effect of Different Hormone Applications on Pregnancy Rates in Repeat Breeder Cows

Year 2024, , 319 - 322, 31.12.2024


The current study aimed to investigate the effects of GnRH during insemination and progesterone administration on conception on the fourth- and fifth days following insemination in Repeat Breeder (RB) cows. The study included 40 Holstein breed RB cows housed under identical care and feeding circumstances. The animals were divided into four groups: group I (GnRH administered immediately after insemination), group II (GnRH administered immediately after insemination + progesterone administered on days 4 and 5 after insemination), group III (progesterone administered on days 4 and 5 after insemination), and group IV (control). All animals in the study had their ovulation checked at the 24th and 36th hours after insemination, and the pregnancy was examined by USG on the 45th day. The initial estrus of non-pregnant animals and their days were established. The ovulation rates at the 24th hour was 70% in group I, 90% in group II, 50% in group III, and 50% in group IV, whereas in the 36th hour they were 30% in group I, 10% in group II, 50% in group III, and 50% in group IV, respectively. The pregnancy rates were 70% in group I, 80% in group II, 60% in group III, and 30% in group IV. The untreated control group had lower pregnancy rates (p < 0.05) compared to the treatment groups. As a result, higher pregnancy rates were seen in the treatment groups compared to the control group, indicating that three distinct treatments can be used to increase pregnancy rates in RB cows.


  • Amiridis, G. S., Tsiligianni, T., Dovolou, E., Rekkas, C., Vouzaras, D., & Menegatos, I. (2009). Combined administration of gonadotropin releasing hormone, progesterone and meloxicam is an effective treatment for the repeat breeder cow. Theriogenology, 72(4), 542-548.
  • Behl, K. S., Gandotra, V. K., Nanda, A. S. &, Mavi, P. S. (2007). Efficacy of GnRH in inducing ovulation and improving in cattle. Indian Journal Animal Science, 77 (2), 173-174.
  • Diskin, M. G., & Morris, D. G. (2008). Embryonic and early foetal losses in cattle and other ruminants. Reproduction Domestic Animals, 43(2), 260–267.
  • Dochi, O., Takahashi, K., Hirai, T., Hayakawa, H., Tanisawa, M., Yamamoto, Y., & Koyama, H. (2008). The use of embryo transfer to produce pregnancies in repeat-breeding dairy cattle. Theriogenology, 69(1), 124-128.
  • Dodamani, M. S., Mohteshamuddin, K., Awat,i S. D., Tandle, M. K., & Honnappagol, S. S. (2010). Evaluation of pre and post artificial insemination effect of GnRH hormone on conception of repeat breeder Deoni cows. Veterinary World, 3(5), 209-211.
  • D'Occhio, M. J., Fordyce, G., Whyte, T. R., Aspden, W. J., & Trigg, T. E. (2000). Reproductive responses of cattle to GnRH agonists. Animal Reproduction Science, 60, 433-442.
  • Ergene, O. (2012). Progesterone concentrations and pregnancy rates of repeat breeder cows following postinsemination PRID and GnRH treatments. Türk J Vet Anim Sci, 36(3), 283-288.
  • Ferguson, C. E., Kesler, D. J., & Godke, R. A. (2012). İmproving pregnancy rates in problem breeder cattle by administration of 15 mg progesterone on days 3-5 post-mating Journal of Applied Animal Research, 40 (3,1), 173-178.
  • Garverick, H. A., Parfet, J. R. Lee, C. N. Copelin, J. P. Youngquist, R. S., & Smith, M. F. (1988). Relationship of pre and post-ovulatory gonadotropin concentrations to subnormal luteal function in postpartum beef cattle. Journal Animal Science, 66: 104-111.
  • Ghasemzadeh –Nava, H., Kohsari, H., & Tajik, P. (2010). The effect of two different periods of CIDR supplementation on the second service conception rate of repeat breeder dairy cows. Journal Veterinary Research, 65 (2), 147-151.
  • Gustafsson H., Larsson K. (1985). Embryonic mortality in heifers after artificial insemination and embryo transfer: differences between virgin and repeat breeder heifers. Research in Veterinary Science, 39, 271–274.
  • Hailu, B., Gebrekidan, B., Raju, S., Birhanu, A., & Tadesse, G. (2015). Effects of gonadotropin releasing hormone analogue in enhancements of pregnancy in repeat breeding dairy cows in and around Mekelle, Tigray, Ethiopia. Animal Veterinary Science, 3(1), 12-17.
  • Kharchce, S. B., Srivastava, S. K. (2007). Dose dependent effect of GnRH analogue on pregnancy rate of repeat breeder Crossbred cows. Animal Reproduction Science, 99 (1-2), 196-201.
  • Khoramian, B., Farzaneh, N., Talebkhan, Garoussi, M., & Mohri, M. (2011). Comparasion of the effects of gonadotropin-releasing hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin or progesterone on pregnancy per artificial insemination in repeat- breeder dairy cows. Research in Veterinary Science, 90(2), 312-315.
  • Kimura, M., Nakao, T., Moriyoshi, M., & Kowata, K. (1987). Luteal phase deficiency as a possible cause of repeat breeding in dairy cows. British Veterinary Journal, 143(6), 560-566.
  • Kumar, P., Singh, M., Kumar, N., & Kumar, A. (2012). Effect of progesterone supplementation on conception rate following single and double insemination in repeat breeder cows. Indian Journal Animal Science, 82(8), 856-858.
  • Lonergan, P., Forde, N., & Spencer, T. (2016). Role of progesterone in embryo development in cattle. Reproduction, Fertility and Development, 28(2), 66-74.
  • Lopez-Gatius, F., Santolaria, P., Yaniz, J. L., Garbayo, J. M., & Hunter, R. H. (2004). Timing of early foetal loss for single and twin pregnancies in dairy cattle. Reproduction Domestic Animal, 39(6), 429- 433.
  • Pandey, N. K. J., Gupta, H. P., Prasad, S., & Sheetal, S. K. (2016). Plasma progesterone profile and conception rate following exogenous supplementation of gonadotropin-releasing hormone,human chorionic gonadotropin and progesterone releasing intra-vaginal device in repeat-breeder crossbred cows. Veterinary World, 9(6), 559-562
  • Parabaharan, V., Kulaseka, K., Devanathan, T., & Palanisamy, A. (2009). Effect of GnRH injection of different stages of estrus cycle on fertility in repeat breeding cows. Indian Veterinary Journal, 86(12), 1278-1279.
  • Parr, M. H., Mullen, M. P., Crowe, M. A., Roche, J. F., Lonergan, P., Evans, A. C., & Diskin, M. G. (2012). Relationship between pregnancy per artificial insemination and early luteal concentrations of progesterone and establishment of repeatability estimates for these traits in Holstein- Friesian heifers. Journal Dairy Science, 95(5), 2390–2396.
  • Perez-Marin C. C, Moreno L. M, & Calero G. V. (2012). Clinical approach to the repeat breeder cow syndrome. In: Perez-Marin CC (Ed.): A Bird’s-eye View of Veterinary Medicine. InTech, Rijeka, pp. 337-362.
  • Selvaraju, M., Veerapandian, C., Kathiresan, D., Kulasekar, K., & Chandrahasan, C. (2009). Pattern of oestrus, oestrous cycle length and fertility rate following Synchromate-B treatment in repeat breeder cows. The Indian Journal of Animal Reproduction, 30(1), 22-25.
  • Singh, M., Sharma, A., & Kumar, P. (2017). Repeat breeding and its treatment in dairy cattle of Himachal Pradesh (India)-a review. The Indian Journal of Animal Reproduction, 38(2), 1,5.
  • Yusuf, M, Nakao, T, Ranasinghe, R. B, Gautam, G, Long, S. T, Yoshida, C, Koike, K, & Hayashi, A. (2010). Reproductive Performance of Repeat Breeders in Dairy Herds, Theriogenology, 73, 1220–1229.

Repeat Breeder İneklerde Farklı Hormon Uygulamalarının Gebelik Oranları Üzerine Etkisinin Araştırılması

Year 2024, , 319 - 322, 31.12.2024


Sunulan çalışmada Repeat Breeder(RB) ineklerde tohumlama anında GnRH, tohumlamadan sonraki dört ve beşinci günlerde progesteron uygulamalarının gebe kalma üzerine etkisinin araştırılması amaçlandı. Çalışmada aynı bakım ve besleme şartları altında barındırılan Holştayn ırkı 40 adet RB inek kullanıldı. Bu hayvanlar Grup I (tohumlamadan hemen sonra GnRH uygulananlar), Grup II (tohumlamadan hemen sonra GnRH + tohumlamadan sonraki 4 ve 5. Günlerde progesteron uygulananlar), Grup III (Tohumlamadan sonraki 4 ve 5. Günlerde progesteron uygulananlar) ve Grup IV (kontrol) olarak ayrıldı. Çalışmaya alınan tüm hayvanlarda tohumlamadan sonraki 24. ve 36. saatlerde ovulasyonun kontrolü ve 45. günde gebelik muayenesi USG ile yapıldı. Gebe kalmayan hayvanların ilk östrusları gözlenerek gün olarak belirlendi. 24. saatteki ovulasyon oranları; Grup I ‘de % 70, Grup II’de %90, Grup III’te %50, Grup IV’ te %50, 36. Saatteki ovulasyon oranları; Grup I ‘de % 30, Grup II’de %10, Grup III’te %50, Grup IV’ te %50 olarak tespit edildi. Gebelik oranları Grup I ‘de % 70, Grup II’de %80, Grup III’te %60, Grup IV’ te %30 olarak belirlendi. Tedavi uygulanmayan kontrol grubundaki hayvanlardaki gebelik oranları tedavi uygulanan gruplardaki gebelik oranlarına göre anlamlı derecede (p<0.05) düşük bulundu. Sonuç olarak, tedavi gruplarında kontrol grubuna göre daha yüksek gebelik oranı elde edilmesi, üç farklı uygulamanında RB ineklerde gebelik oranlarını arttırmak için kullanılabileceğini gösterdi.

Ethical Statement

Sunulan çalışma sorumlu yazarın doktora tezinden özetlenmiş, bu tez İstanbul Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü tarafından 30.05.2003 tarihinde kabul edilmiştir. O yıllarda Etik kurul onayı alma zorunluluğu bulunmamaktaydı ve yetkili Enstitü tarafından istenmemekteydi. (Hayvan deneyleri yerel etik kurul belgesi alma zorunluluğu Çevre ve Orman Bakanlığının 06.07.2006 tarihli 26220 sayılı resmi Gazete yayınlanan HAYVAN DENEYLERİ ETİK KURULLARININ ÇALIŞMA USUL VE ESASLARINA DAİR YÖNETMELİK ile getirilmiştir)


  • Amiridis, G. S., Tsiligianni, T., Dovolou, E., Rekkas, C., Vouzaras, D., & Menegatos, I. (2009). Combined administration of gonadotropin releasing hormone, progesterone and meloxicam is an effective treatment for the repeat breeder cow. Theriogenology, 72(4), 542-548.
  • Behl, K. S., Gandotra, V. K., Nanda, A. S. &, Mavi, P. S. (2007). Efficacy of GnRH in inducing ovulation and improving in cattle. Indian Journal Animal Science, 77 (2), 173-174.
  • Diskin, M. G., & Morris, D. G. (2008). Embryonic and early foetal losses in cattle and other ruminants. Reproduction Domestic Animals, 43(2), 260–267.
  • Dochi, O., Takahashi, K., Hirai, T., Hayakawa, H., Tanisawa, M., Yamamoto, Y., & Koyama, H. (2008). The use of embryo transfer to produce pregnancies in repeat-breeding dairy cattle. Theriogenology, 69(1), 124-128.
  • Dodamani, M. S., Mohteshamuddin, K., Awat,i S. D., Tandle, M. K., & Honnappagol, S. S. (2010). Evaluation of pre and post artificial insemination effect of GnRH hormone on conception of repeat breeder Deoni cows. Veterinary World, 3(5), 209-211.
  • D'Occhio, M. J., Fordyce, G., Whyte, T. R., Aspden, W. J., & Trigg, T. E. (2000). Reproductive responses of cattle to GnRH agonists. Animal Reproduction Science, 60, 433-442.
  • Ergene, O. (2012). Progesterone concentrations and pregnancy rates of repeat breeder cows following postinsemination PRID and GnRH treatments. Türk J Vet Anim Sci, 36(3), 283-288.
  • Ferguson, C. E., Kesler, D. J., & Godke, R. A. (2012). İmproving pregnancy rates in problem breeder cattle by administration of 15 mg progesterone on days 3-5 post-mating Journal of Applied Animal Research, 40 (3,1), 173-178.
  • Garverick, H. A., Parfet, J. R. Lee, C. N. Copelin, J. P. Youngquist, R. S., & Smith, M. F. (1988). Relationship of pre and post-ovulatory gonadotropin concentrations to subnormal luteal function in postpartum beef cattle. Journal Animal Science, 66: 104-111.
  • Ghasemzadeh –Nava, H., Kohsari, H., & Tajik, P. (2010). The effect of two different periods of CIDR supplementation on the second service conception rate of repeat breeder dairy cows. Journal Veterinary Research, 65 (2), 147-151.
  • Gustafsson H., Larsson K. (1985). Embryonic mortality in heifers after artificial insemination and embryo transfer: differences between virgin and repeat breeder heifers. Research in Veterinary Science, 39, 271–274.
  • Hailu, B., Gebrekidan, B., Raju, S., Birhanu, A., & Tadesse, G. (2015). Effects of gonadotropin releasing hormone analogue in enhancements of pregnancy in repeat breeding dairy cows in and around Mekelle, Tigray, Ethiopia. Animal Veterinary Science, 3(1), 12-17.
  • Kharchce, S. B., Srivastava, S. K. (2007). Dose dependent effect of GnRH analogue on pregnancy rate of repeat breeder Crossbred cows. Animal Reproduction Science, 99 (1-2), 196-201.
  • Khoramian, B., Farzaneh, N., Talebkhan, Garoussi, M., & Mohri, M. (2011). Comparasion of the effects of gonadotropin-releasing hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin or progesterone on pregnancy per artificial insemination in repeat- breeder dairy cows. Research in Veterinary Science, 90(2), 312-315.
  • Kimura, M., Nakao, T., Moriyoshi, M., & Kowata, K. (1987). Luteal phase deficiency as a possible cause of repeat breeding in dairy cows. British Veterinary Journal, 143(6), 560-566.
  • Kumar, P., Singh, M., Kumar, N., & Kumar, A. (2012). Effect of progesterone supplementation on conception rate following single and double insemination in repeat breeder cows. Indian Journal Animal Science, 82(8), 856-858.
  • Lonergan, P., Forde, N., & Spencer, T. (2016). Role of progesterone in embryo development in cattle. Reproduction, Fertility and Development, 28(2), 66-74.
  • Lopez-Gatius, F., Santolaria, P., Yaniz, J. L., Garbayo, J. M., & Hunter, R. H. (2004). Timing of early foetal loss for single and twin pregnancies in dairy cattle. Reproduction Domestic Animal, 39(6), 429- 433.
  • Pandey, N. K. J., Gupta, H. P., Prasad, S., & Sheetal, S. K. (2016). Plasma progesterone profile and conception rate following exogenous supplementation of gonadotropin-releasing hormone,human chorionic gonadotropin and progesterone releasing intra-vaginal device in repeat-breeder crossbred cows. Veterinary World, 9(6), 559-562
  • Parabaharan, V., Kulaseka, K., Devanathan, T., & Palanisamy, A. (2009). Effect of GnRH injection of different stages of estrus cycle on fertility in repeat breeding cows. Indian Veterinary Journal, 86(12), 1278-1279.
  • Parr, M. H., Mullen, M. P., Crowe, M. A., Roche, J. F., Lonergan, P., Evans, A. C., & Diskin, M. G. (2012). Relationship between pregnancy per artificial insemination and early luteal concentrations of progesterone and establishment of repeatability estimates for these traits in Holstein- Friesian heifers. Journal Dairy Science, 95(5), 2390–2396.
  • Perez-Marin C. C, Moreno L. M, & Calero G. V. (2012). Clinical approach to the repeat breeder cow syndrome. In: Perez-Marin CC (Ed.): A Bird’s-eye View of Veterinary Medicine. InTech, Rijeka, pp. 337-362.
  • Selvaraju, M., Veerapandian, C., Kathiresan, D., Kulasekar, K., & Chandrahasan, C. (2009). Pattern of oestrus, oestrous cycle length and fertility rate following Synchromate-B treatment in repeat breeder cows. The Indian Journal of Animal Reproduction, 30(1), 22-25.
  • Singh, M., Sharma, A., & Kumar, P. (2017). Repeat breeding and its treatment in dairy cattle of Himachal Pradesh (India)-a review. The Indian Journal of Animal Reproduction, 38(2), 1,5.
  • Yusuf, M, Nakao, T, Ranasinghe, R. B, Gautam, G, Long, S. T, Yoshida, C, Koike, K, & Hayashi, A. (2010). Reproductive Performance of Repeat Breeders in Dairy Herds, Theriogenology, 73, 1220–1229.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Veterinary Sciences (Other)
Journal Section Research Article

Kudret Yenilmez 0000-0002-5532-0525

Early Pub Date December 29, 2024
Publication Date December 31, 2024
Submission Date August 2, 2024
Acceptance Date October 4, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


Vancouver Yenilmez K. Investigation of the Effect of Different Hormone Applications on Pregnancy Rates in Repeat Breeder Cows. J Cumhuriyet Univ Health Sci Inst. 2024;9(3):319-22.

The Journal of Sivas Cumhuriyet University Institute of Health Sciences is an international, peer-reviewed scientific journal published by Sivas Cumhuriyet University, Institute of Health Sciences.