Research Article
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Kuzularda Neonatal Mortalite

Year 2016, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 37 - 46, 31.12.2016


Kuzularda neonatal dönem doğum sonrası ilk 28 günü kapsayan kritik bir evredir. Neonatal kuzu ölümleri, dünya genelinde koyun yetiştiriciliğinin verim kayıplarını etkileyen önemli bir faktördür. Yeni doğan kuzu ölümlerinin birçok sebebi vardır ve ölümlerin büyük bir kısmı doğum sonrası ilk günlerde gerçekleşmektedir. Kuzu ölümlerine neden olan hastalıkların bilinmesi ve bu konuda koruyucu tedbirlerin alınması ile neonatal dönemde kuzu ölümleri en aza indirilebilir.


  • 1. Abd El-Rahim IH, Sharawi SS, Barakat MR, El-Nahas EM. (2010): An outbreak of peste des petits ruminants in migratory flocks of sheep and goats in Egypt in 2006. Rev Sci Tech, 29(3):655-62. 2. Ahmad R, Khan A, Javed MT, Hussain I. (2000): The level of immunoglobulins in relation to neonatal lamb mortality in Pak-Karakul sheep. Veterinarski Arhiv, 70 (3):129-139. 3. Aksoy G. (2006): Bağırsak hastalıkları. In, Gül Y (Ed): Geviş Getiren Hayvanların İç Hastalıkları. 2. Baskı, 95-113, Medipress, Malatya. 4. Andres S, Jimenez A, Sanchez J, Alonso JM, Gomeza L, Lopez F, Rey J. (2007): Evaluation of some etiological factors predisposing to diarrhoea in lambs in “La Serena” (Southwest Spain). Small Rumin Res, 70: 272-275. 5. Aragaw K. (2015): Prevention of Lamb and kid mortality. pdf. Erişim Tarihi: 11.01.2015. 6. Aslani MR, Mohri M, Movassaghi AR. (2013): Serum troponin I as an indicator of myocarditis in lambs affected with foot and mouth disease. Veterinary Research Forum, 4 (1): 59 – 62. 7. Batmaz H. (2013): Koyun ve Keçilerin İç Hastalıkları. 1. Baskı, Alemdar Ofset, İstanbul. 8. Bilal T. (2007): Yeni Doğanların İç Hastalıkları. 1. Baskı, 292-433, İstanbul Üniversitesi yayınevi, İstanbul. 9. Bülbül T. (2013): Beslenme Hastalıkları. In, Elmas M (Ed): Koyun-Keçi El kitabı. 1. Baskı, 451-503, Özhür Ofset, Konya. 10. Dennis SM. (1970): Perinatal lamb mortality in a purebred Southdown flock. J Anim Sci 31: 76-79. 11. Dwyer CM. (2008): The welfare of the neonatal lamb. Small Ruminant Research ,76: 31– 41. 12. Gökçe E, Erdoğan HM. (2008): Neonatal Kuzularda Pnömoni: Yaygınlığı ve Etki Eden Kimi Risk Faktörleri. Kafkas Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 14 (2): 223-228. 13. Gökçe E, Erdoğan HM. (2009): An epidemiological study on neonatal lamb health. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 15 (2): 225-236. 14. Gökçe E, KırmızıgüL AH, Erdoğan HM, Çitil M. (2013): Risk factors associated with passive ımmunity, health, birth weight and growth performance in lambs: I. effect of parity, dam’s health, birth weight, gender, type of birth and lambing season on morbidity and mortality. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 19 (Suppl-A): A153-A160. 15. Gökçe E, Ünver A, Erdoğan HM. (2010): İshalli neonatal kuzularda enterik patojenlerin belirlenmesi. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 16 (5): 717- 722. 16. Gruenberg W. (2015): Intestinal Diseases in Sheep and Goats. tem/intestinal_diseases_in_ruminants/intestinal_di seases_in_sheep_and_goats.html. Erişim Tarihi: 28.01.2015. 17. Hancock RD, Coe AJ, Conde de Albite Silva F. (1996): Perınatal mortality in lambs in southern brazil. Tropo Anita Hlth Prod, 28: 266- 272. 18. Kaminjolo JS, Adesiyun AA. (1994): Rotavirus infection in calves, piglets, lambs and goat kids in Trinidad. Br Vet J, 150: 293-9. 19. Mellor DJ, Stafford KJ. (2004): Animal welfare implications of neonatal mortality and morbidity in farm animals.The Veterinary Journal, 168: 118–133. 20. Munoz-Fernandez M, Alvarez M, Lanza I, Carmanes P. (1996): Role of enteric pathogens in the aethiology of neonatal diarrhoea in lambs and goat kids in Spain. Epidemiol Infect, 117:203- 211. 21. Nash ML, Hungerford LL, Nash TG, Zinn GM. (1996): Risk factors for perinatal and postnatal mortality in lambs. Vet Rec, 39: 64-67. 22. Navarre CB, Baird AN, Pugh DG. (2012): Diseases of the gastrointestinal system. In, Pugh DG, Baird AN (Ed): Sheep and Goat Medicine. 2th ed, 71-105, Saunders, Missouri. 23. Oruç E. (2006): The Pathologic and bacteriologic comparison of pneumonia in lambs. Turk J Vet Anim Sci, 30: 593-599. 24. Paraud C, Chartier C. (2012): Cryptosporidiosis in small ruminants. Small Rumin Res, 103: 93– 97. 25. Radostits OM, Gay CC, Hinchcliff KW, PD Constable. (2007): Veterinary Medicine. 10th ed. Salinders. 26. Scott PR. (2001): Health and Production Management in Sheep Flocks. In, Radostits OM (Ed):Herd Health Food Animal Production Medicine. 3th ed, 765-844, W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia. 27. Scott PR. (2007): Sheep Medicine. 1th ed, 83-98, Manson Publishing Ltd, London. 28. Selvaraju G. (2014): Epidemiological Measures of Disease Frequency Against Sheep Pox. IJSR, 3(8):461-462. 29. Sharif L, Obeidat J, Al-Ani F. (2005): Risk factors for lamb and kid mortality in sheep and goat farms in Jordan. Bulg J Vet Med, 8 (2): 99-108. 30. Stevenson H. (2014): Conditions of neonatal lambs. Livestock, 19(1): 41-46. 31. Turgut K, Ok M. (1997): Veteriner Gastroenteroloji. 2. Baskı, 285-422, Bahçıvanlar, Konya. 32. Wani SA, Bhat MA, Samanta I, Ishaq SM, Ashrafi MA, Buchh AS. (2004): Epidemiology of diarrhoea caused by rotavirus and Escherichia coli in lambs in Kashmir valley, India. Small Rumin Res, 52: 145-153. 33. Yurdakul İ. (2016): Kuzu ve Oğlaklarda Göbek Kordonu Enfeksiyonuna Bağlı Komplikasyonlar. Cumhuriyet Üniv. Sağ. Bil. Enst. Derg. 1: 39-44. 34. Zewdie S. (2015): Peste des Petits Ruminants. %20No.20.pdf, Erişim Tarihi: 28.01.2015 35. Zorana M, Sofıja K, Kulisic Z. (2006): Cryptosporidium infection in lambs and goat kids in serbia. Acta Veterinaria (Beograd), 56(1): 49-54.
Year 2016, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 37 - 46, 31.12.2016


Neonatal stage is a critical period, which involves the first 28 days of after parturiton. Death of neonatal lambs is an important factor that affects productivity losses of sheep breeding all around the world. There are a number of causes of newborn lambs’ deaths, and a significant percentage of lambs deaths occurs in the initial days after partrution. Lambs’ deaths can be reduced to a minimal level by being aware of the diseases causing lambs’ deaths and by taking protective measures against them


  • 1. Abd El-Rahim IH, Sharawi SS, Barakat MR, El-Nahas EM. (2010): An outbreak of peste des petits ruminants in migratory flocks of sheep and goats in Egypt in 2006. Rev Sci Tech, 29(3):655-62. 2. Ahmad R, Khan A, Javed MT, Hussain I. (2000): The level of immunoglobulins in relation to neonatal lamb mortality in Pak-Karakul sheep. Veterinarski Arhiv, 70 (3):129-139. 3. Aksoy G. (2006): Bağırsak hastalıkları. In, Gül Y (Ed): Geviş Getiren Hayvanların İç Hastalıkları. 2. Baskı, 95-113, Medipress, Malatya. 4. Andres S, Jimenez A, Sanchez J, Alonso JM, Gomeza L, Lopez F, Rey J. (2007): Evaluation of some etiological factors predisposing to diarrhoea in lambs in “La Serena” (Southwest Spain). Small Rumin Res, 70: 272-275. 5. Aragaw K. (2015): Prevention of Lamb and kid mortality. pdf. Erişim Tarihi: 11.01.2015. 6. Aslani MR, Mohri M, Movassaghi AR. (2013): Serum troponin I as an indicator of myocarditis in lambs affected with foot and mouth disease. Veterinary Research Forum, 4 (1): 59 – 62. 7. Batmaz H. (2013): Koyun ve Keçilerin İç Hastalıkları. 1. Baskı, Alemdar Ofset, İstanbul. 8. Bilal T. (2007): Yeni Doğanların İç Hastalıkları. 1. Baskı, 292-433, İstanbul Üniversitesi yayınevi, İstanbul. 9. Bülbül T. (2013): Beslenme Hastalıkları. In, Elmas M (Ed): Koyun-Keçi El kitabı. 1. Baskı, 451-503, Özhür Ofset, Konya. 10. Dennis SM. (1970): Perinatal lamb mortality in a purebred Southdown flock. J Anim Sci 31: 76-79. 11. Dwyer CM. (2008): The welfare of the neonatal lamb. Small Ruminant Research ,76: 31– 41. 12. Gökçe E, Erdoğan HM. (2008): Neonatal Kuzularda Pnömoni: Yaygınlığı ve Etki Eden Kimi Risk Faktörleri. Kafkas Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 14 (2): 223-228. 13. Gökçe E, Erdoğan HM. (2009): An epidemiological study on neonatal lamb health. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 15 (2): 225-236. 14. Gökçe E, KırmızıgüL AH, Erdoğan HM, Çitil M. (2013): Risk factors associated with passive ımmunity, health, birth weight and growth performance in lambs: I. effect of parity, dam’s health, birth weight, gender, type of birth and lambing season on morbidity and mortality. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 19 (Suppl-A): A153-A160. 15. Gökçe E, Ünver A, Erdoğan HM. (2010): İshalli neonatal kuzularda enterik patojenlerin belirlenmesi. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 16 (5): 717- 722. 16. Gruenberg W. (2015): Intestinal Diseases in Sheep and Goats. tem/intestinal_diseases_in_ruminants/intestinal_di seases_in_sheep_and_goats.html. Erişim Tarihi: 28.01.2015. 17. Hancock RD, Coe AJ, Conde de Albite Silva F. (1996): Perınatal mortality in lambs in southern brazil. Tropo Anita Hlth Prod, 28: 266- 272. 18. Kaminjolo JS, Adesiyun AA. (1994): Rotavirus infection in calves, piglets, lambs and goat kids in Trinidad. Br Vet J, 150: 293-9. 19. Mellor DJ, Stafford KJ. (2004): Animal welfare implications of neonatal mortality and morbidity in farm animals.The Veterinary Journal, 168: 118–133. 20. Munoz-Fernandez M, Alvarez M, Lanza I, Carmanes P. (1996): Role of enteric pathogens in the aethiology of neonatal diarrhoea in lambs and goat kids in Spain. Epidemiol Infect, 117:203- 211. 21. Nash ML, Hungerford LL, Nash TG, Zinn GM. (1996): Risk factors for perinatal and postnatal mortality in lambs. Vet Rec, 39: 64-67. 22. Navarre CB, Baird AN, Pugh DG. (2012): Diseases of the gastrointestinal system. In, Pugh DG, Baird AN (Ed): Sheep and Goat Medicine. 2th ed, 71-105, Saunders, Missouri. 23. Oruç E. (2006): The Pathologic and bacteriologic comparison of pneumonia in lambs. Turk J Vet Anim Sci, 30: 593-599. 24. Paraud C, Chartier C. (2012): Cryptosporidiosis in small ruminants. Small Rumin Res, 103: 93– 97. 25. Radostits OM, Gay CC, Hinchcliff KW, PD Constable. (2007): Veterinary Medicine. 10th ed. Salinders. 26. Scott PR. (2001): Health and Production Management in Sheep Flocks. In, Radostits OM (Ed):Herd Health Food Animal Production Medicine. 3th ed, 765-844, W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia. 27. Scott PR. (2007): Sheep Medicine. 1th ed, 83-98, Manson Publishing Ltd, London. 28. Selvaraju G. (2014): Epidemiological Measures of Disease Frequency Against Sheep Pox. IJSR, 3(8):461-462. 29. Sharif L, Obeidat J, Al-Ani F. (2005): Risk factors for lamb and kid mortality in sheep and goat farms in Jordan. Bulg J Vet Med, 8 (2): 99-108. 30. Stevenson H. (2014): Conditions of neonatal lambs. Livestock, 19(1): 41-46. 31. Turgut K, Ok M. (1997): Veteriner Gastroenteroloji. 2. Baskı, 285-422, Bahçıvanlar, Konya. 32. Wani SA, Bhat MA, Samanta I, Ishaq SM, Ashrafi MA, Buchh AS. (2004): Epidemiology of diarrhoea caused by rotavirus and Escherichia coli in lambs in Kashmir valley, India. Small Rumin Res, 52: 145-153. 33. Yurdakul İ. (2016): Kuzu ve Oğlaklarda Göbek Kordonu Enfeksiyonuna Bağlı Komplikasyonlar. Cumhuriyet Üniv. Sağ. Bil. Enst. Derg. 1: 39-44. 34. Zewdie S. (2015): Peste des Petits Ruminants. %20No.20.pdf, Erişim Tarihi: 28.01.2015 35. Zorana M, Sofıja K, Kulisic Z. (2006): Cryptosporidium infection in lambs and goat kids in serbia. Acta Veterinaria (Beograd), 56(1): 49-54.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Journal Section Review

Uğur Aydoğdu

Publication Date December 31, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016Volume: 1 Issue: 2


Vancouver Aydoğdu U. Kuzularda Neonatal Mortalite. J Cumhuriyet Univ Health Sci Inst. 2016;1(2):37-46.

The Journal of Sivas Cumhuriyet University Institute of Health Sciences is an international, peer-reviewed scientific journal published by Sivas Cumhuriyet University, Institute of Health Sciences.