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Year 2019, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 40 - 44, 01.05.2019



  • 1- Stocker R. (2007). “Coenzyme Q10” Reviewed, Linus Pauling Institute Micronutrient Research for Optimum Health. Erişim tarihi: 5/9/2009.
  • 2- Kubo H, Fujii K, Kawabe T, Matsumoto S, Kishida H, Hosoe K. (2008). “Food content of ubiquinol-10 and ubiquinone-10 in the Japanese diet”, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis; 21 : 199–210.
  • 3-Parkhideh, Daryoush. (2008). “Methods and compositions that enhance bioavailability of coenzyme-Q10”, United States Patent; 7,438,903.
  • 4- Overvad K, Diamant B, Holm L, Hùlmer G, Mortensen SA, Stender S. (1999). “Review Coenzyme Q10 in health and disease”, European Journal of Clinical Nutrition; 53:764-770.
  • 5-Kagan VE, Quinn PT. (2001). “Coenzyme Q: Molecular Mechanisms in Health and Disease”, CRC Press, United States of America; 390p.
  • 6-Mitchell P. (1975). Protonmotive redox mechanism of the cytochrome b-c1 complex in the respiratory chain: Protonmotive ubiquinone cycle. FEBS Lett; 56: 1–6.
  • 7-Varela-López A, Bullón P, Giampieri F, Quiles JL. (2015). Non-Nutrient, Naturally Occurring Phenolic Compounds with Antioxidant Activity for the Prevention and Treatment of Periodontal Diseases. Antioxidants ;4, 447–481.
  • 8-Gaby AR. (1996). The role of coenzyme Q10 in clinical medicine: Part I. Altern. Med. Rev; 1, 11–17.
  • 9- Varela-López A,Giampieri F, Battino M, Quiles, JL. (2016). Coenzyme Q and Its Role in the Dietary Therapy against Aging. Molecules; 21, 373.
  • 10-Crane FL. (2001). Biochemical Functions of Coenzyme Q10. The Journal of American College Nutrition; 20:591-598.
  • 11-Kucharska J, Braunova Z, Ulicna O, Zlatos L, Gvozdjakova A. (2000). Deficit of coenzyme Q in heart and liver mitochondria of rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes. Physiological Research; 49: 411-418.
  • 12-Sharp J, Farha S, Park MM, Comhair SA, Lundgrin EL, Tang WH, Bongard RD, Merker MP, Erzurum SC. (2014). Coenzyme Q supplementation in pulmonary arterial hypertension. Redox Biology; 2:884-891.
  • 13- Beardow AW, Buchanan JW. (1993). Chronic mitral valve disease in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels: 95 cases (1987-1991).J Am Vet Med Assoc ;203:1023-1029.
  • 14- Calvert CA,Jacobs GJ,Smith DD,Rathbun SL,Pickus CW. (2000). Association between results of ambulatory electrocardiography and development of cardiomyopathy durin long-term follow-up of Doberman Pinschers.J Am Vet Med Assoc;216:34-39.
  • 15- Cote E, Manning AM, Emerson D, Laste NJ,Malakoff RL,Harpster NK. (2004). Asssesment of the prevalence of heart murmurs in overtly healthy cats.J Am Vet Med Assoc ;225:384-388.
  • 16-Freeman LM, Rush JE. (2007). Nutrition and Cardiomyopathy:Lessons from Spontaneous Animal Models.Current Heart Failure Reports ;4:84-90.
  • 17-Freeman LM,Brown DJ,Rush JE. (1999). Assessment of degree of oxidative stress and antioxidant concentrations in dogs with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. J Am Vet Med Assoc ;215:644-646.
  • 18- Freeman LM,Rush JE,Milbury PE,Blumberg JB. (2005). Antioxidant status and biomarkers of oxidative stress in dogs with congestive heart failure.J Vet Intern Med 19:537-541.
  • 19- Sole MJ , Jeejeebhoy KN. (2002). Conditioned Nutritional Requirements:Therapeutic Relevance Heart Failure.Herz ;27:174-9.
  • 20-Littaru GP. (1995). Energy and defence:fact and perspectives on coenzyme Q10 in biology and medicine.Rome: Casa Editrice Scientifica Internazionale;1-91.
  • 21-Elmberger PG,Kalen A,Appelkvist EL, Dallner G. (1987). In vitro and vivo synthesis of dolichol and other main mevalonate products in various organs of the rat.Eur J Biochem ;168:1-11.
  • 22-Folkers K, Vadhanavikit S,Mortensen SA. (1985). Biochemical rationale and myocardial tissue data on teh effective therapy of cardiomyopathy with coenzyme Q10.PRoc. Natl Acad Sci USA ;82:4240-4.
  • 23- DiNicolantonio JJ, Bhutani J, McCarty MJ, O’Keefe JH. (2015). Coenzyme Q10 for the treatment of heart failure: a review of the literature. Open Heart ;2:e000326.
  • 24- Kamzalov S, Sumien N, Forster MJ, Sohal RS. (2003). Coenzyme Q Intake Elevates the Mitochondrial and Tissue Levels of Coenzyme Q and ∝-Tocepherol in Young Mice. American Society for Nutritional Sciences;133:3175-3180.
  • 25- Mortensen SA. (2003). Overview on coenzyme Q10 as adjunctive therapy in chronic heart failure.Rationale, design and end-points of ''Q-symbio''- A multinational trial.IOS Press BioFactors ;18:79-89.
  • 26- Sarter B. (2002). Coenzyme Q10 and Cardiovasculer Disease:A Review.The Journal of Cardiovasculer Nursing;16(4):9-20.
  • 27- Morisco C, Trimarco B, Condorelli M. (1993). Effect of coenzyme Q10 therapy in patients with congestive heart failure:a long-term multicenter randomized study.Clin Investig ;71:134-136.
  • 28- Micheael MA. (2007). Oxidative stress,antioxidants,and assessment of oxidative stress in dogs and cats.JAVMA ;231:714-720.
  • 29-Halliwell B. (1999). Antioxidant defence mechanisms: from the begining to the end.Free Radic Res ;31:261-272.
  • 30- Berivanlı M,Okudan N,Özdemir A,Öz M. (2015). Yaşlı sıçanlarda antreman ve koenzim Q10 takviyesinin kalp dokusunda oksidatif stres ve antioksidan savunma belirteçleri üzerine etkileri.Genel Tıp Derg;25:52-57.
  • 31- Kuchmenko OB. (2006). Physiological aspects of ubiquinone supplementation in cardiovasculer pathology.Fiziol Zh;52(5):80-91. PMID:17176844
  • 32- Freeman LM. (1998). Interventional Nutrition for Cardiac Disease.Clinical Techniques in Small Animal Practice;13(4):232-237.
  • 33-Akın G. (2018). Köpeklerde yaşlanmanın enzimatik ve nonenzimatik antioksidan sistem üzerine etkisi.Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Entisüsü.
  • 34- Sayıner S,Kısmalı G. (2016). Koenzim Q ve Hastalıklar ile İlişkisi.Atatürk Üniversitesi Vet. Bil. Derg; 11(2): 247-253.
  • 35-Ercan P,El SN. (2010). Koenzim Q10'un Beslenme ve Sağlık Açısından Önemi ve Biyoyararlılığı.TUBAV Bilim Dergisi;3(2):192-200.

Kedi ve Köpeklerde Kardiyovasküler Hastalıklarda Koenzim Q10 Kullanımı

Year 2019, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 40 - 44, 01.05.2019


Koenzim Q10 (CoQ10 ; Ubikinol-10 ve/veya
Ubikinon-10 )her hücrede bulunabilen ve hücredeki enerji üretimi sırasında
kilit enzimatik reaksiyonlarda koenzim olarak görev yapan ,  yağda çözünen vitamin benzeri bir bileşiktir.
Koenzim Q10 mitokondriyel solunum zincirinde ; enerji dönüşümü ve ATP
üretiminde rol oynar. Ayrıca önemli bir endojen antioksidan olup , oksidatif
stres üzerinde önleyici etkiye sahiptir. Oksidatif stres  konjestif kalp yetmezliklerinin patogenezinde
önemli bir parçadır. Antioksidanların sahip olduğu spesifik avantajlarla
kullanımı daha da artmıştır. Kardiyovasküler hastalıkların önlenmesinde ve
tedavisinde KoQ10 takviyesinin klinik faydaları birçok çalışmada gözlenmiştir.
Ubikinon-10 , metabolik ilaçların tanıtılması ve konvansiyonel tedavinin bir
parçası olarak kardiyovasküler patolojileri olan hastalara önerilmektedir. Bu
derleme veteriner hekimlikte koenzim Q10'in faydalarını ortaya koymak , kediler
ve köpeklerde  kardiyovasküler
hastalıklarda kullanım alanını belirlemek amacıyla hazırlanmıştır.


  • 1- Stocker R. (2007). “Coenzyme Q10” Reviewed, Linus Pauling Institute Micronutrient Research for Optimum Health. Erişim tarihi: 5/9/2009.
  • 2- Kubo H, Fujii K, Kawabe T, Matsumoto S, Kishida H, Hosoe K. (2008). “Food content of ubiquinol-10 and ubiquinone-10 in the Japanese diet”, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis; 21 : 199–210.
  • 3-Parkhideh, Daryoush. (2008). “Methods and compositions that enhance bioavailability of coenzyme-Q10”, United States Patent; 7,438,903.
  • 4- Overvad K, Diamant B, Holm L, Hùlmer G, Mortensen SA, Stender S. (1999). “Review Coenzyme Q10 in health and disease”, European Journal of Clinical Nutrition; 53:764-770.
  • 5-Kagan VE, Quinn PT. (2001). “Coenzyme Q: Molecular Mechanisms in Health and Disease”, CRC Press, United States of America; 390p.
  • 6-Mitchell P. (1975). Protonmotive redox mechanism of the cytochrome b-c1 complex in the respiratory chain: Protonmotive ubiquinone cycle. FEBS Lett; 56: 1–6.
  • 7-Varela-López A, Bullón P, Giampieri F, Quiles JL. (2015). Non-Nutrient, Naturally Occurring Phenolic Compounds with Antioxidant Activity for the Prevention and Treatment of Periodontal Diseases. Antioxidants ;4, 447–481.
  • 8-Gaby AR. (1996). The role of coenzyme Q10 in clinical medicine: Part I. Altern. Med. Rev; 1, 11–17.
  • 9- Varela-López A,Giampieri F, Battino M, Quiles, JL. (2016). Coenzyme Q and Its Role in the Dietary Therapy against Aging. Molecules; 21, 373.
  • 10-Crane FL. (2001). Biochemical Functions of Coenzyme Q10. The Journal of American College Nutrition; 20:591-598.
  • 11-Kucharska J, Braunova Z, Ulicna O, Zlatos L, Gvozdjakova A. (2000). Deficit of coenzyme Q in heart and liver mitochondria of rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes. Physiological Research; 49: 411-418.
  • 12-Sharp J, Farha S, Park MM, Comhair SA, Lundgrin EL, Tang WH, Bongard RD, Merker MP, Erzurum SC. (2014). Coenzyme Q supplementation in pulmonary arterial hypertension. Redox Biology; 2:884-891.
  • 13- Beardow AW, Buchanan JW. (1993). Chronic mitral valve disease in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels: 95 cases (1987-1991).J Am Vet Med Assoc ;203:1023-1029.
  • 14- Calvert CA,Jacobs GJ,Smith DD,Rathbun SL,Pickus CW. (2000). Association between results of ambulatory electrocardiography and development of cardiomyopathy durin long-term follow-up of Doberman Pinschers.J Am Vet Med Assoc;216:34-39.
  • 15- Cote E, Manning AM, Emerson D, Laste NJ,Malakoff RL,Harpster NK. (2004). Asssesment of the prevalence of heart murmurs in overtly healthy cats.J Am Vet Med Assoc ;225:384-388.
  • 16-Freeman LM, Rush JE. (2007). Nutrition and Cardiomyopathy:Lessons from Spontaneous Animal Models.Current Heart Failure Reports ;4:84-90.
  • 17-Freeman LM,Brown DJ,Rush JE. (1999). Assessment of degree of oxidative stress and antioxidant concentrations in dogs with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. J Am Vet Med Assoc ;215:644-646.
  • 18- Freeman LM,Rush JE,Milbury PE,Blumberg JB. (2005). Antioxidant status and biomarkers of oxidative stress in dogs with congestive heart failure.J Vet Intern Med 19:537-541.
  • 19- Sole MJ , Jeejeebhoy KN. (2002). Conditioned Nutritional Requirements:Therapeutic Relevance Heart Failure.Herz ;27:174-9.
  • 20-Littaru GP. (1995). Energy and defence:fact and perspectives on coenzyme Q10 in biology and medicine.Rome: Casa Editrice Scientifica Internazionale;1-91.
  • 21-Elmberger PG,Kalen A,Appelkvist EL, Dallner G. (1987). In vitro and vivo synthesis of dolichol and other main mevalonate products in various organs of the rat.Eur J Biochem ;168:1-11.
  • 22-Folkers K, Vadhanavikit S,Mortensen SA. (1985). Biochemical rationale and myocardial tissue data on teh effective therapy of cardiomyopathy with coenzyme Q10.PRoc. Natl Acad Sci USA ;82:4240-4.
  • 23- DiNicolantonio JJ, Bhutani J, McCarty MJ, O’Keefe JH. (2015). Coenzyme Q10 for the treatment of heart failure: a review of the literature. Open Heart ;2:e000326.
  • 24- Kamzalov S, Sumien N, Forster MJ, Sohal RS. (2003). Coenzyme Q Intake Elevates the Mitochondrial and Tissue Levels of Coenzyme Q and ∝-Tocepherol in Young Mice. American Society for Nutritional Sciences;133:3175-3180.
  • 25- Mortensen SA. (2003). Overview on coenzyme Q10 as adjunctive therapy in chronic heart failure.Rationale, design and end-points of ''Q-symbio''- A multinational trial.IOS Press BioFactors ;18:79-89.
  • 26- Sarter B. (2002). Coenzyme Q10 and Cardiovasculer Disease:A Review.The Journal of Cardiovasculer Nursing;16(4):9-20.
  • 27- Morisco C, Trimarco B, Condorelli M. (1993). Effect of coenzyme Q10 therapy in patients with congestive heart failure:a long-term multicenter randomized study.Clin Investig ;71:134-136.
  • 28- Micheael MA. (2007). Oxidative stress,antioxidants,and assessment of oxidative stress in dogs and cats.JAVMA ;231:714-720.
  • 29-Halliwell B. (1999). Antioxidant defence mechanisms: from the begining to the end.Free Radic Res ;31:261-272.
  • 30- Berivanlı M,Okudan N,Özdemir A,Öz M. (2015). Yaşlı sıçanlarda antreman ve koenzim Q10 takviyesinin kalp dokusunda oksidatif stres ve antioksidan savunma belirteçleri üzerine etkileri.Genel Tıp Derg;25:52-57.
  • 31- Kuchmenko OB. (2006). Physiological aspects of ubiquinone supplementation in cardiovasculer pathology.Fiziol Zh;52(5):80-91. PMID:17176844
  • 32- Freeman LM. (1998). Interventional Nutrition for Cardiac Disease.Clinical Techniques in Small Animal Practice;13(4):232-237.
  • 33-Akın G. (2018). Köpeklerde yaşlanmanın enzimatik ve nonenzimatik antioksidan sistem üzerine etkisi.Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Entisüsü.
  • 34- Sayıner S,Kısmalı G. (2016). Koenzim Q ve Hastalıklar ile İlişkisi.Atatürk Üniversitesi Vet. Bil. Derg; 11(2): 247-253.
  • 35-Ercan P,El SN. (2010). Koenzim Q10'un Beslenme ve Sağlık Açısından Önemi ve Biyoyararlılığı.TUBAV Bilim Dergisi;3(2):192-200.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Journal Section Review

Hande Soylu 0000-0002-4538-3960

Publication Date May 1, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019Volume: 4 Issue: 1


APA Soylu, H. (2019). Kedi ve Köpeklerde Kardiyovasküler Hastalıklarda Koenzim Q10 Kullanımı. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 4(1), 40-44.

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