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Year 2023, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 271 - 279, 31.08.2023


Tuberculosis is typically caused by bacteria linked to the Mycobacterium genus. It is a chronic infectious disease that affects both animal and human health. It is a zoonotic disease characterized by the formation of caseous and caseous calsosic tubercles especially in other organs and tissues after the lung. In this seminar, it is aimed to give information about tuberculosis disease in domestic animals.


  • Referans1 Allen, GM. (1988). Tuberculosis in sheep – a very rare disease. Surveillance 15, 8–9.
  • Referans2 Aydın, N., & İzgür, M., & Diker, KS. (2006). Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji (Bakteriyel Hastalıklar). Mycobacterium İnfeksiyonları. Yardımcı H. (Editör). İlke-Emek Yayınları, Ankara,; 87-107.
  • Referans3 Ashford, DA., & Whitney, E., & Raghunathan, P., & Cosivi, O. (2001). Epidemiology of selected mycobacteria that infect humans and other animals. Rev Sci Tech; 20(1): 325-37.
  • Referans4 Barry, CE III., & Lee, RE., & Mdluli, K., & Sampson, AE., & Schroeder, BG., & Slayden, RA., & Yuan, Y. (1998). Mycolic acids: structure, biosynthesis and physiological functions. Prog Lipid Res; 37: 143–179.
  • Referans5 Barry, M., & Taylor, J., & Woods, JP. (2002). Disseminated Mycobacterium avium infection in a cat. Cand Vet J, 43, 369-371.
  • Referans6 Bauer, N., & B o’neill, E.,& Sheahan, BJ.,& Cassidy, J., & Mcallister, H. (2004). Calcospherite-like bodies and caseous necrosis in tracheal mucus from a dog with tuberculosis. Vet. Clin. Pathol 33, 168-172
  • Referans7 Blunden, AS., & Smith, KC. (1996). A pathological study of a mycobacterial infection in a cat caused by a variant with cultural characteristics between Mycobacterium tuberculosis and M bovis. Vet Rec, 138, 87-88.
  • Referans8 Bonovska, M., & Tzvetkov, Y., & Najdenski, H., & Bachvarova, Y. (2005). PCR for detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in experimentally infected dogs. J. Vet. Med. Serie B, Infectious Diseases and Veterinary Public Health 52, 165–170.
  • Referans9 Bougiouklis, P., & Brellou, G.,& Fragkiadaki, E., & Iordanidis, P., & Vlemmas, I., & Georgopoulou, I. (2005). Outbreak of Avian Mycobacteriosis in a flock of two‐year‐old domestic pigeons (Columba livia f. domestica). Avian Dis, 49: 442‐445.
  • Referans10 Boukary, AR., & Thys, E., & Rigouts, L., & Matthys, F., & Berkvens, D., & Mahamadou, I., & Yenikoye, A., & Saegerman, C. (2012). Risk factors associated with bovine tuberculosis and molecular characterization of Mycobacterium bovis strains in urban settings in Niger. Transbound Emerg Dis 59, 490–502.
  • Referans11 Cassidy, JP., & Bryson, DG., & Neill, SD. (1999). Tonsillar lesions in cattle naturally infected with Mycobacterium bovis. Vet. Rec. Open 144, 139–142.
  • Referans12 Corner, L., & Melville, L., & McCubbin, K., & Small, KJ., & McCormick, BS., & Wood, PR., & Rothel, JS. (1990). Efficiency of inspection procedures for the detection of tuberculous lesions in cattle, Aust. Vet. J. 67:389–392
  • Referans13 Daffe, M., & Draper, P. (1998). The envelope layers of mycobacteria with reference to their pathogenicity. Adv Microb Physiol; 39: 131–203.
  • Referans14 Daniel, R., & Evans, H., & Rolfe, S., & de la Rua-Domenech, R., & Crawshaw, T., & Higgins, RJ., & Schock, A., & Clifton-Hadley, R. (2009.) Outbreak of tuberculosis caused by Mycobacterium bovis in golden Guernsey goats in Great Britain. Vet. Rec. Open 165, 335–342.
  • Referans15 Di Marco, V., & Mazzone, P., & Capucchio, MT., & Boniotti, MB., & Aronica, V., & Russo, M., & Fiasconaro, M., & Cifani, N ., & Corneli, S., & Biasibetti, E ., & Biagetti, M., & Lodovica Pacciarini, M., & Cagiola, M., & Pasquali, P. , & Marianelli, C. (2012). Epidemiological significance of the Domestic Black Pig (Sus Scrofa) in maintenance of bovine tuberculosis in Sicily. J. Clin. Microbiol . 50, 1209–1218.
  • Referans16 Divangahi, M., & Behar, SM., & Remold, H. (2013). Dying to live: how the death modality of the infected macrophage affects immunity to tuberculosis. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 783, 103–120.
  • Referans17 Domingo, EM., & Vidal, AM. (2014). Pathology of bovine tuberculosis/Res Vet Sci 97 S20–S29
  • Referans18 Dorlet, R. (1986). Disseminated tuberculosis caused by Mycobacterium avium in a cat. J Am Vet Med Assoc 189, 1336-1337
  • Referans19 Dungworth, DL. (1993). The respiratory system. In Pathology of Domestic Animals. Vol 2. 4th edn. Eds K. V. F. Jubb, P. C. Kennedy, N. Palmer. San Diego, Academic Press. pp 641-652
  • Referans20 Ekebaş, G., & Atasever, A. (2020). Spontaneous tuberculosis cases in two pigeon flocks. Van Vet J. 31(1), 56-59.
  • Referans21 Ellis, MD., & Davies, S., & McCandlish, IAP., & Monies, R., & Jahans, K., & Rua-Domenech, R. (2006). Mycobacterium bovis infection in a dog . Vet Rec. 159, 46-48
  • Referans22 Erwin, PC., & Bemis, DA., & Mawby, DI., & McCombs, SB., & Sheeler, LL., & Himelright, IM., & Halford, SK., & Diem, L., & Metchock, B., & Jones, TF., & Schilling, MG., & Thomsen, BV. (2004). Mycobacterium tuberculosis transmission from human to canine. Emerg. Infect. Dis. 10, 2258–2260.
  • Referans23 Ferber, JA. (1983). Tuberculosis in a dog. J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc.183, 117
  • Referans24 Francıs, J. (1958). Tuberculosis in Animals and Man. London, Cassell
  • Referans25 Fulton, RM., & Thoen, CO. (2003). Tuberculosis, In: Diseases of Poultry, Ed: Saif YM, 11th Ed. Iowa State Press Ames pp. 836‐844.
  • Referans26 Garcia, A., & LeClear, C.,& Gaskin, J. (2001). Mycobacterium avium infection in an ostrich. (Struthio camelus). J Zoo Wildl Med 32: 96‐100.
  • Referans27 Gerhold, RW., & Fischer, JR. (2005). Avian tuberculosis in a wild turkey. Avian Dis,49(1): 164-166.
  • Referans28 Gonzalez, M.,& Rodriguez-Bertos, A., & Gimeno, I., & Flores, JM., & Pizarro, M. (2002). Outbreak of avian tuberculosis in 48-week-old commercial layer hen flock. Avian Dis 46(4): 1055-1061.
  • Referans29 Gökalp, G., & Gülbahar, MY., & Pekmezci, D., & Gacar, A., & Soylu, SM., & Çakıroğlu, D., & Meral, Y. (2011). A Feline Tuberculosis Case. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg 17 (1): 155-157
  • Referans30 Grange, JM., & Yates, MD. (1994). Zoonotic aspects of Mycobacterium bovis infection. Vet Microbiol 40(1-2): 137-151.
  • Referans31 Gunn-Moore, DA., & Jenkins, PA. (1994). Tuberculosis in cats. Vet Rec, 134, 395.
  • Referans32 Gunn-Moore, DA., & Jenkins, PA., & Lucke, VM. (1996). Feline tuberculosis: a literature review and discussion of 19 cases caused by an unusual mycobacterial variant. Vet Rec, 138, 53-58.
  • Referans33 Gümüşsoy, KS., Atasever, A., Aydın, F., Özcan, M., Beyaz, L., Hızlısoy, H., Abay, S. (2007). Prevalence of tuberculosis in cattle in Turkey. Medycyna Wet. 63 (3)
  • Referans34 Gümüşsoy, KS., & Beyaz, L., & Aydın, F., & Özcan, M.,& Atasever, A. (2006). Avian tuberculosis in Kayseri zoo. J Fac Vet Med Univ Erciyes 3(1) 25-28.
  • Referans35 Hix, JW., & Jones, TC., & Karlson, A. (1961). Avian tubercle bacillus infection in the cat. J Am Vet Med Assoc, 138, 641-647.
  • Referans36 Hsieh, YC., & Tsai, KY., & Wang, CY., & Hung, CN., & Tsai, SS., & Liu, HJ. (2009). Diagnosis of avian tuberculosis in Swinhoe's pheasants. Using conventional and molecular‐based techniques. Avian Dis, 53: 629‐ 33.
  • Referans37 Jennings, AR. (1949). The distribution of tuberculous lesions in the dog and cat, with reference to the pathogenesis. Vet. Rec. Open 61, 380–385.
  • Referans38 Jubb, Kennedy and Palmer’s (2015). Pathology of domestic animals / edited by M. Grant Maxie.—Sixth edition. Infectious Diseases of the Respiratory System, 484-590
  • Referans39 Keck, N., & Dutruel, H., & Smyej, F., & Nodet, M., & Boschiroli, ML. (2010). Tuberculosis due to Mycobacterium bovis in a Camargue horse. Vet. Rec. Open 166, 499–500.
  • Referans40 Kısa, Ö., & Tozkoparan, E., & Gümral, R., & Deniz, Ö., & Albay, A., & Baylan, O. (2005). Tüberküloz Plörezi Tanısında Mikrobiyolojik Kültür Yöntemlerinin Değeri: 283 Olgunun Analizi. Turk Mikrobiyol Cem Derg, 35(2): 114-118.
  • Referans41 Kriz, P., & Slaný, M., & Shitaye, JE., & Pavlík, I. (2010). Avian mycobacteriosis in humans remains a threat in the Czech Republic. Klin Mikrobiol Infekc Lek, 16(1): 10‐17.
  • Referans42 Lennox, AM. (2007). Mycobacteriosis in companion psittacine birds: a review. J. Avian Med Surg, 21:181-187.
  • Referans43 Liébana, E., & Johnson, L., & Gough, J., & Durr, P., & Jahans, K., & Clifton-Hadley, R., & Downs, SH. (2008). Pathology of naturally occurring bovine tuberculosis in England and Wales. Vet. J. 176, 354–360.
  • Referans44 Lima, DM., & Colares, JK., & da Fonseca, BA. (2003). Combined use of the polymerase chain reaction and detection of adenosine deaminase activity on pleural fluid improves the rate of diagnosis of pleural tuberculosis. Chest 124(3): 909- 914
  • Referans45 Lıu, S., & Weıtzman, I., & Johnson, G. (1980). Canine tuberculosis. J. Am. Vet. Med. 177, 164-167
  • Referans46 Lovell, R., & White, EG. (1940). Naturally occurring tuberculosis in dogs and other species: I. Tuberculosis in dogs. Brıt J Tuberc Dıs Ch. 34, 117
  • Referans47 Malone, FE., & Wilson, EC., & Pollock, JM., & Skuce, RA. (2003). Investigations into an outbreak of tuberculosis in a flock of sheep in contact with tuberculous cattle. J. V. Med. Series B, Infectious Diseases and Veterinary Public Health 50, 500–504.
  • Referans48 Marianelli, C., & Cifani, N., & Capucchio, MT., & Fiasconaro, M., & Russo, M., & La Mancusa, F., & Di Marco, V. (2010). A case of generalized bovine tuberculosis in a sheep. J. Vet. Diagn. 22, 445–448.
  • Referans49 Martin-Hernando, MP., & Hofle, U., & Vicente, J., & Ruiz-Fons, F., & Vidal, D., & Barral, M., & Garrido, JM., & de la Fuente, J., & Gortazar, C. (2007). Lesions sssociated with Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex infection in the European wild boar. Tuberculosis 87, 360–367.
  • Referans50 Menzies, FD., & Neill, SD. (2000). Cattle-to-cattle transmission of bovine tuberculosis. Vet. J. 160, 92–106.
  • Referans51 Monies, RJ., & Cranwell, MP., & Palmer, N., & Inwald, J., & Hewinson, RG., & Rule, B. (2000). Bovine tuberculosis in domestic cats. Vet Rec, 146, 407-408.
  • Referans52 Monreal, L., & Segura, D., & Segales, J., & Garrido, JM., & Prades, M. (2001). Diagnosis of Mycobacterium bovis infection in a mare. Vet. Rec. Open 149, 712–714.
  • Referans53 Munoz Mendoza, M., & De Juan, L., & Menendez, S., & Ocampo, SA., & Jorge Mourelo, J., & Saez, JL., & Balseiro, A. (2012). Tuberculosis due to Mycobacterium bovis and Mycobacterium caprae in sheep. Vet. J. 191, 267–269.
  • Referans54 Neill, SD., & Bryson, DG., & Pollock, JM. (2001). Pathogenesis of tuberculosis in cattle. Tuberculosis 81, 79–86.
  • Referans55 Neill SD, Skuce RA, Pollock JM (2005). Tuberculosis--new light from an old window. J Appl Microbiol 98(6):1261- 1269
  • Referans56 Neill, SD., & Cassidy, J., & Hanna, J., & Mackie, DP., & Pollock, JM., & Clements, A., & Bryson, DG. (1994a). Detection of Mycobacterium bovis infection in skin test-negative cattle with an assay for bovine interferon-gamma. Vet Rec. 135(6): 134-135.
  • Referans57 Neill, SD., & Pollock, JM., & Bryson, DB., & Hanna, J. (1994b). Pathogenesis of Mycobacterium bovis infection in cattle. Vet. Microbiol. 40, 41–52.
  • Referans58 O’Reilly, LM., & Daborn, CJ. (1995). The epidemiology of Mycobacterium bovis infections in animals and man. A review. Int. J. Tuberc. Lung Dis 1–46.
  • Referans59 Orr, CM., & Kelly, DF., & Lucke, VM. (1980). Tuberculosis in cats: a report of two cases. J Small Anim Pract, 21, 247-253.
  • Referans60 Oruç, E., & Bali, AF. (2004). Tuberculosis in a young ostrich. Veterinarium. 1: 23‐26.
  • Referans61 Özcan, K., & Beytut, E., & Tuzcu, M. (2001). Tuberculosis in geese (Anser anser) in Turkey. Avian Dis. 45: 755‐759.
  • Referans62 Park, HA., & Lim, JH., & Kwon, YH., & Bae, JH., & Park, HM. (2016). Pulmonary Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection with giant tubercle formation in a dog: a case report. Vet Med. 61;(2): 102–109
  • Referans63 Parsons, SD., & Warren, RM., & Ottenhoff, TH., & Gey van Pittius, NC., & van Helden, PD. (2012). Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in dogs in a high-risk setting. Res Vet Sci 92, 414–419.
  • Referans64 Paulsen, DB., & Kern M., & Weigand, CM. (2000). Mycobacterial neuritis in a cat. J Am Vet Med Assoc, 10, 1589-1591.
  • Referans65 Pavlik, I., & Jahn, P., & Dvorska, L., & Bartos, M., & Novotny, L., & Halouzka, R. (2004). Mycobacterial infections in horses: a review of the literature. Vet Med –UZPI 49, 427–440.
  • Referans66 Pavlik, I., & Jahn, P., & Moravkova, M., & MatlovL, A., & Treml, F., & Cizek, A., & Nesnalova, E., & Dvorska-Bartosova, L., & Halouzka, R. (2008). Lung tuberculosis in a horse caused by Mycobacterium avium subsp. avium of serotype 2: a case report. Vet Med 53, (2): 111–116
  • Referans67 Pesciaroli, JM., & Alvarez, C., & Boniotti, MB., & Cagiola, M., & Di Marco, V., & Marianelli, C., & Pacciarini, M., & Pasquali, P. (2014) . A Tuberculosis in domestic animal species Res Vet Sci 97 S78–S85
  • Referans68 Pritchard, DG. (1988). A century of bovine tuberculosis 1888-1988: conquest and controversy. J Comp Pathol. 99(4): 357-399.
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  • Referans71 Saxegaard, F., & Svenkerud, R. (1982). A case of canine tuberculosis caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Acta Vet. Scand, 23,309-311
  • Referans72 Shrikrishna, D., & de la Rua-Domenech, R., & Smith, NH., & Colloff, A., & Coutts, I. (2009). Human and canine pulmonary Mycobacterium bovis infection in the same household: reemergence of an old zoonotic threat? Thorax 64, 89–91.
  • Referans73 Smith, PG., & Moss, AR. (1994). Epidemiology of Tuberculosis. In: Bloom, B.R. (Ed.), Tuberculosis. Pathogenesis, Protection, and Control, ASM Press, pp. 47–59.
  • Referans74 Snıder, WR. (1971). Tuberculosis in canine and feline populations: review of the literature. Am. Rev. Respir. Dis, 104, 877-887
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  • Referans76 Tell, L., & Woods, L., & Foley, J., & Needham, M., & Walker, RA. (2003). Model of avian mycobacteriosis: clinical and histopathologic findings in Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) Intravenously Inoculated with Mycobacterium avium. Avian Dis. 47: 433‐443.
  • Referans77 Terim Kapakin, KA., & Sağlam, YS., & Altun, S. (2010). Bir Aile İşletmesinde Yetiştirilen Tavuklarda Saptanan Tüberküloz Olguları Üzerine Patolojik İncelemeler. Atatürk University J. Vet. Sci.5(3):141-146.
  • Referans78 Thoen, CO., & Barletta, R. (2005). Pathogenes is of Mycobacterium bovis. In: Mycobacterium bovis Infections in Animals and Humans, Blackwell Publishing, Ames, IA.
  • Referans79 Thoen, CO., & Karlson, AG. (1991). Tuberculosis, In: Diseases of Poultry, Ed; Calnek BW, Barnes HJC, Beard W, Reid MW, Yoder HW, 9th Ed., Iowa State University Press, Ames. pp. 172-185.
  • Referans80 Thorel, MF., & Huchzermeyer, H., & Weiss, R., & Fontaıne, JJ. (1997). Mycobacterium avium infections in animals – literature review. Vet Res. 28, 439-447
  • Referans81 Van der Burgt, GM., & Drummond, F., & Crawshaw, T., & Morris, S. (2013). An outbreak of tuberculosis in Lleyn sheep in the UK associated with clinical signs. Vet. Rec. Open 19, 172 (3): 69.
  • Referans82 Vural, SA., & Tunca, R. (2001). Generalized tuberculosis in a 45 day-old calf. DTW. Dtsch Tierarztl Wochenschr 108, 468–470.
  • Referans83 Wilesmith, JW., & Clifton Hadley, RS. (1994). Tuberculosis in cats. Vet Rec, 134, 359
  • Referans84 World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) (2004).Manual of Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines for Terrestrial Animals. Chapter 2.3.3. Bovine tuberculosis.
  • Referans85 Yahyaoui Azami, H., & Aboukhassib, H., & Bouslikhane, M., & Berrada, J., & Rami, S., & Reinhard, M., & Gagneux, S., & Feldmann, J., & Borrell, S., & Zinsstag, J. (2017). Molecular characterization of bovine tuberculosis strains in two slaughterhouses in Morocco. BMC Vet. Res. 13:272
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Evcil Hayvanlarda Tüberkülozis

Year 2023, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 271 - 279, 31.08.2023


Tüberkülozis tipik olarak Mycobacterium genusuna bağlı bakteriler tarafından oluşturulur. Hem hayvan hem de insan sağlığını etkileyen kronik enfeksiyöz bir hastalıktır. Özellikle akciğer sonrasında diğer organ ve dokularda kazeöz ve kalsifiye karakterli tüberküllerin oluşması ile karakterize zoonozdur. Bu derlemede evcil hayvanlarda tüberkülozis hastalığı hakkında bilgi verilmesi amaçlanmıştır.


  • Referans1 Allen, GM. (1988). Tuberculosis in sheep – a very rare disease. Surveillance 15, 8–9.
  • Referans2 Aydın, N., & İzgür, M., & Diker, KS. (2006). Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji (Bakteriyel Hastalıklar). Mycobacterium İnfeksiyonları. Yardımcı H. (Editör). İlke-Emek Yayınları, Ankara,; 87-107.
  • Referans3 Ashford, DA., & Whitney, E., & Raghunathan, P., & Cosivi, O. (2001). Epidemiology of selected mycobacteria that infect humans and other animals. Rev Sci Tech; 20(1): 325-37.
  • Referans4 Barry, CE III., & Lee, RE., & Mdluli, K., & Sampson, AE., & Schroeder, BG., & Slayden, RA., & Yuan, Y. (1998). Mycolic acids: structure, biosynthesis and physiological functions. Prog Lipid Res; 37: 143–179.
  • Referans5 Barry, M., & Taylor, J., & Woods, JP. (2002). Disseminated Mycobacterium avium infection in a cat. Cand Vet J, 43, 369-371.
  • Referans6 Bauer, N., & B o’neill, E.,& Sheahan, BJ.,& Cassidy, J., & Mcallister, H. (2004). Calcospherite-like bodies and caseous necrosis in tracheal mucus from a dog with tuberculosis. Vet. Clin. Pathol 33, 168-172
  • Referans7 Blunden, AS., & Smith, KC. (1996). A pathological study of a mycobacterial infection in a cat caused by a variant with cultural characteristics between Mycobacterium tuberculosis and M bovis. Vet Rec, 138, 87-88.
  • Referans8 Bonovska, M., & Tzvetkov, Y., & Najdenski, H., & Bachvarova, Y. (2005). PCR for detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in experimentally infected dogs. J. Vet. Med. Serie B, Infectious Diseases and Veterinary Public Health 52, 165–170.
  • Referans9 Bougiouklis, P., & Brellou, G.,& Fragkiadaki, E., & Iordanidis, P., & Vlemmas, I., & Georgopoulou, I. (2005). Outbreak of Avian Mycobacteriosis in a flock of two‐year‐old domestic pigeons (Columba livia f. domestica). Avian Dis, 49: 442‐445.
  • Referans10 Boukary, AR., & Thys, E., & Rigouts, L., & Matthys, F., & Berkvens, D., & Mahamadou, I., & Yenikoye, A., & Saegerman, C. (2012). Risk factors associated with bovine tuberculosis and molecular characterization of Mycobacterium bovis strains in urban settings in Niger. Transbound Emerg Dis 59, 490–502.
  • Referans11 Cassidy, JP., & Bryson, DG., & Neill, SD. (1999). Tonsillar lesions in cattle naturally infected with Mycobacterium bovis. Vet. Rec. Open 144, 139–142.
  • Referans12 Corner, L., & Melville, L., & McCubbin, K., & Small, KJ., & McCormick, BS., & Wood, PR., & Rothel, JS. (1990). Efficiency of inspection procedures for the detection of tuberculous lesions in cattle, Aust. Vet. J. 67:389–392
  • Referans13 Daffe, M., & Draper, P. (1998). The envelope layers of mycobacteria with reference to their pathogenicity. Adv Microb Physiol; 39: 131–203.
  • Referans14 Daniel, R., & Evans, H., & Rolfe, S., & de la Rua-Domenech, R., & Crawshaw, T., & Higgins, RJ., & Schock, A., & Clifton-Hadley, R. (2009.) Outbreak of tuberculosis caused by Mycobacterium bovis in golden Guernsey goats in Great Britain. Vet. Rec. Open 165, 335–342.
  • Referans15 Di Marco, V., & Mazzone, P., & Capucchio, MT., & Boniotti, MB., & Aronica, V., & Russo, M., & Fiasconaro, M., & Cifani, N ., & Corneli, S., & Biasibetti, E ., & Biagetti, M., & Lodovica Pacciarini, M., & Cagiola, M., & Pasquali, P. , & Marianelli, C. (2012). Epidemiological significance of the Domestic Black Pig (Sus Scrofa) in maintenance of bovine tuberculosis in Sicily. J. Clin. Microbiol . 50, 1209–1218.
  • Referans16 Divangahi, M., & Behar, SM., & Remold, H. (2013). Dying to live: how the death modality of the infected macrophage affects immunity to tuberculosis. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 783, 103–120.
  • Referans17 Domingo, EM., & Vidal, AM. (2014). Pathology of bovine tuberculosis/Res Vet Sci 97 S20–S29
  • Referans18 Dorlet, R. (1986). Disseminated tuberculosis caused by Mycobacterium avium in a cat. J Am Vet Med Assoc 189, 1336-1337
  • Referans19 Dungworth, DL. (1993). The respiratory system. In Pathology of Domestic Animals. Vol 2. 4th edn. Eds K. V. F. Jubb, P. C. Kennedy, N. Palmer. San Diego, Academic Press. pp 641-652
  • Referans20 Ekebaş, G., & Atasever, A. (2020). Spontaneous tuberculosis cases in two pigeon flocks. Van Vet J. 31(1), 56-59.
  • Referans21 Ellis, MD., & Davies, S., & McCandlish, IAP., & Monies, R., & Jahans, K., & Rua-Domenech, R. (2006). Mycobacterium bovis infection in a dog . Vet Rec. 159, 46-48
  • Referans22 Erwin, PC., & Bemis, DA., & Mawby, DI., & McCombs, SB., & Sheeler, LL., & Himelright, IM., & Halford, SK., & Diem, L., & Metchock, B., & Jones, TF., & Schilling, MG., & Thomsen, BV. (2004). Mycobacterium tuberculosis transmission from human to canine. Emerg. Infect. Dis. 10, 2258–2260.
  • Referans23 Ferber, JA. (1983). Tuberculosis in a dog. J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc.183, 117
  • Referans24 Francıs, J. (1958). Tuberculosis in Animals and Man. London, Cassell
  • Referans25 Fulton, RM., & Thoen, CO. (2003). Tuberculosis, In: Diseases of Poultry, Ed: Saif YM, 11th Ed. Iowa State Press Ames pp. 836‐844.
  • Referans26 Garcia, A., & LeClear, C.,& Gaskin, J. (2001). Mycobacterium avium infection in an ostrich. (Struthio camelus). J Zoo Wildl Med 32: 96‐100.
  • Referans27 Gerhold, RW., & Fischer, JR. (2005). Avian tuberculosis in a wild turkey. Avian Dis,49(1): 164-166.
  • Referans28 Gonzalez, M.,& Rodriguez-Bertos, A., & Gimeno, I., & Flores, JM., & Pizarro, M. (2002). Outbreak of avian tuberculosis in 48-week-old commercial layer hen flock. Avian Dis 46(4): 1055-1061.
  • Referans29 Gökalp, G., & Gülbahar, MY., & Pekmezci, D., & Gacar, A., & Soylu, SM., & Çakıroğlu, D., & Meral, Y. (2011). A Feline Tuberculosis Case. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg 17 (1): 155-157
  • Referans30 Grange, JM., & Yates, MD. (1994). Zoonotic aspects of Mycobacterium bovis infection. Vet Microbiol 40(1-2): 137-151.
  • Referans31 Gunn-Moore, DA., & Jenkins, PA. (1994). Tuberculosis in cats. Vet Rec, 134, 395.
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There are 86 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Journal Section Review

Ayhan Atasever 0000-0002-6327-1604

Kübra Yağlı 0000-0002-1612-0766

Publication Date August 31, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023Volume: 8 Issue: 2


Vancouver Atasever A, Yağlı K. Evcil Hayvanlarda Tüberkülozis. J Cumhuriyet Univ Health Sci Inst. 2023;8(2):271-9.

The Journal of Sivas Cumhuriyet University Institute of Health Sciences is an international, peer-reviewed scientific journal published by Sivas Cumhuriyet University, Institute of Health Sciences.