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Aile Danışmanlığında Spiritualitenin Yeri

Year 2023, , 65 - 72, 30.04.2023


Günümüze kadar birçok psikoloji teorisi, bütüncül bir sağlık ve iyilik hali görüşünü benimsemiştir. Spiritualite; hayatın anlamını sorgulamayı sağlayan, evreni ve diğer insanları anlamlandıran, huzur ve mutluluğa ulaşma amacı etrafında şekillenen inançlar bütünüdür. Kavramın tanımlanmasına ilişkin araştırmalarda ortaya çıkan karmaşada, dini literatür kapsamında değerlendirilen spiritüalite, aslında geniş bir perspektifte bütüncül bir yaklaşımla değerlendirilmeye gereksinim duymaktadır. Sorunlarla başa çıkma, üzüntü ve mutlulukları anlamlandırma, başarısızlıkları düzeltme yöntemleri, aile ve diğer bireylerle olan ilişkileri inceleme gibi birçok konu spiritüalite kapsamı içinde yer almaktadır. Bu derleme ile spiritualitenin diğer kavramlarla ilişkilerinin ve spiritualite kavramının aile danışmanlığındaki yerinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır.


  • Avcı M (2018) ‘Tehzîbu’l-Ahlâk’da sevgi erdemi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 22(Özel Sayı 3):3021-33.
  • Arslan H, Konuk Şener D (2009) Stigma, spiritüalite ve konfor kavramlarının Meleis’ in kavram geliştirme sürecine göre irdelenmesi. Maltepe Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Bilim ve Sanatı Dergisi 2(1):51-8.
  • Alptekin K, Duyan V (2021) İntihar ve İntihar Girişimi (Vol. 8). Yeni İnsan Yayınevi.
  • Akgül Gök F, (2020) The importance and use of spirituality in family counseling. Turkish Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care 14(4), 686-94.
  • Bartkowski JP, Xu X, Levin ML (2008) Religion and child development: Evidence from the early childhood longitudinal study. Social Science Research 37(1):18-36.
  • Berman A, Snyder SJ, Levett-Jones T, Dwyer T, Hales M, Harvey N, Stanley D (2018) Kozier and Erb's Fundamentals of Nursing [4th Australian edition].
  • Brody EE (2003) A Premarital therapy model for Jewish-Christian interfaith couples (Doctoral dissertation, Graduate Faculty of California School of Professional Psychology Alliant International University, San Diego).
  • Carpenter K, Girvin L, Kitner W, Ruth-Sahd LA (2008) Spirituality: a dimension of holistic critical care nursing. Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing 27(1):16-20.
  • Cobb M, Puchalski C, Rumbold B (2012) Oxford textbook of spirituality in healthcare. OUP Oxford.
  • Como JM (2007) Spiritual practice: a literature review related to spiritual health and health outcomes. Holıstıc Nursıng Practıce 21(5):224-36.
  • Coffey AD (2002) Spirituality: Lives and relationships in family-therapy concepts and practices. Journal of Family Psychotherapy 13(1-2):29-52.
  • Chapple A, Swift C, Ziebland S (2011) The role of spirituality and religion for those bereaved due to a traumatic death. Mortality 16(1):1-19.
  • Chung C, Pennebaker JW (2007) The psychological functions of function words. Social Communication 1:343-359.
  • Gülerarslan Özdengül A, Çam MS (2017) Reklamcılık ve spiritüalite kavramı: Televizyon reklamları üzerine bir inceleme. Selçuk İletişim, 2017, 10 (1): 399-432.
  • Çetinkaya B, Altundağ S, Azak A (2007) Spiritual bakım ve hemşirelik. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi 8(1):47-50.
  • Çetintaş Ş, Ekşi H (2020) Spiritually oriented couple. Marriage and Family Therapies. Spiritual Psychology and Counseling 5(1):7-24.
  • Çınar F, Eti Aslan F (2017) Spiritüalizm ve hemşirelik: Yoğun bakım hastalarında spiritual bakımın önemi. Journal of Academic Research in Nursing 3(1):37-42.
  • Dedeli Ö, Karadeniz G (2009) Kanser ağrısının kontrolü ile psikososyal-spiritual modelin birleştirilmesi. Ağrı Dergisi 21(2):45-53.
  • DeLaune SC, McTier L, Tollefson J, Lawrence J, Ladner PK (2019) Fundamentals of Nursing: Australia & NZ Edition 2e. Cengage AU.
  • Ekşi H, Kaya Ç, Çiftçi M (2016) Maneviyat ve psikolojik danışma. Manevi yönelimli psikodanışmanlık ve psikolojik danışma, 13-28.
  • Elliot A (2016) The makeup of destiny: Predestination and the labor of hope in a Moroccan emigrant town. American Ethnologist 43(3):488-99.
  • Frame MW (2000) The spiritual genogram in family therapy. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy 26(2):211-6.
  • Harrison BJ (2001) Wrongful Death Damages Under the Arkansas Medical Malpractice Act: Would a Change Make Cents. Ark. L. Rev 54:577.
  • Hawkins DN, Booth A (2005) Unhappily ever after: Effects of long-term, low-quality marriages on well-being. Social Forces 84(1):451-71.
  • Hiçdurmaz D, Öz F (2013) Spirituality as a dimension of coping. Journal of Anatolia Nursing and Health Sciences 16(1):50-5.
  • Hoogestraat T, Trammel J (2003) Spiritual and religious discussions in family therapy: Activities to promote dialogue, The American Journal of Family Therapy 31(5):413-26.
  • Hodge DR (2001) Spiritual genograms: A generational approach to assessing spirituality. Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Human Services 82(1):35–48.
  • Giovannelli LM (2011) The Usefulness of Spirituality Concepts as Perceived by Marriage and Family Therapist and Couples, Doctoral Dissertation, University of Akron 19-36.
  • Gürsu O, Ay Y (2018) Din, Manevi İyi Oluş ve Yaşlılık. Journal of International Social Research 11(61).
  • Kale, S. H. (2004). Spirituality, religion, and globalization. Journal of Macromarketing 24(2):92-107.
  • Karasu F (2020) Spiritualite ve palyatif bakım. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 7(2):231-4.
  • Karadağ F, Oğuzhanoğlu NK, Özdel O, Ergin Ş, Kaçar N (2010) Psöriyazis hastalarında psikodrama: Stres ve stresle baş etme. Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi, 11(3), 220-7.
  • Karagül A (2012) Manevi bakım, anlamı, önemi, yöntemi ve eğitimi "Hollanda Örneği". Dini Araştırmalar 15(40).
  • Kasapoğlu F (2017) Psikolojik danışma süreci ve maneviyat: Bir bütünleştirme arayışı. Hikmet Yurdu 1(19):141-57.
  • Kılınçer H (2017) Tıp, psikoloji ve ilahiyat öğrencilerinin Türkiye’deki manevi danışmanlık ve rehberlik uygulamalarına yönelik tutumları üzerine bir araştırma.
  • Kozier B, Erb G, Berman A, Snyder SJ, Buck M, Yiu L, Stamler LL (2018) Fundamentals of Canadian Nursing. Concepts, Process, and Practice-Pearson.
  • Lambert NM, Dollahite DC (2006) How religiosity helps couples prevent, resolve, and overcome marital conflict. Family Relations 55(4):439-49.
  • Mahoney A, Cano A (2014) Introduction to the special section on religion and spirituality in family life: Delving into relational spirituality for couples. Journal of Family Psychology 28(5):583-6.
  • McEwen M (2005) Spiritual nursing care. Holistic Nursing Practice 19(41):161-8.
  • Mclellan TM (2016) Spirituality in counselling: What helps and hinders therapists in integrating spirituality into their counselling practice? (Doctoral dissertation, Adler School of Professional Psychology).
  • Nazir T (2020) Pozitif psikoloji ve umut. Pozitif Psikoloji 365-93.
  • Özmen M, Coşman Ö, Kökcü A (2016) Meslek yüksekokulu öğrencilerinin umutsuzluk düzeyleri. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research 2(2):638-51.
  • Pargament K (2011) Spiritually integrated psychotherapy: Understanding and addressing the Sacred.
  • Pargament KI (2007) Spiritually Integrated Psychotherapy. New York, NY: The Guildford Press; 3-29.
  • Potter G, Clarke T, Hackett S, Little M (2013) Nursing students and geriatric care: The influence of specific knowledge on evolving values, attitudes, and actions. Nurse Education in Practice 13(5):449-53.
  • Ryff CD, Singer B (2006) Know thyself and become what you are: a eudaimonic approach to psychologıcal well-being. Journal of Happiness Studies 9:13–39.
  • Saygılı S (2016) Mutluluk Elimizde. İstanbul: Elit Yayınları 13-14.
  • Summermatter A, Kaya Ç (2017) An overview of spiritually oriented cognitive behavioral therapy. Spiritual Psychology and Counseling 2(1):31-53.
  • Sue DW, Sue D (2008) Counselling the Culturally Diverse: Theory and Practice. John Wiley & Sons 21-7.
  • Şahin Ş, Ökmen B, Kılıç A (2019) Sevgi eğitimi dersi alan öğrencilerin sevgi ve sevgi eğitimi dersine dair görüşleri. Eğitimde Nitel Araştırmalar Dergisi 7(1):176-97.
  • Şahin, Y (2017) Using spiritual genograms in family therapies. Spiritual Psychology and Counseling 3(1):47-60.
  • Şirin T (2019) Evli çiftlerin spiritual iyi oluşları ile evlilik doyumları arasındaki ilişki. Ekev Akademi Dergisi 77:389–410.
  • Taylor PC, Medina M (2011) Educational research paradigms: From positivism to pluralism. College Research Journal 1(1):1-16.
  • Taylor EJ, Petersen C, Oyedele O, Haase J (2015) Spirituality and spiritual care of adolescents and young adults with cancer. In Seminars in oncology nursing 31(3):227-41.
  • Tönbül Ö (2019) Aile danışmanlığı sürecinde ve kuramlarında amaç oluşturma. Aile Psikolojik Danışmanlığı Dergisi 2(1):76-95.
  • Tunç B, Totan T (2021) Aile yaşamında maneviyat: aile psikolojik danışmasında maneviyatın değerlendirilmesi. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 5(1):1-20.
  • Walsh F (2012) Normal family processes: Growing diversity and complexity. New York: Guilford Press.
  • Walsh F (2009) Integrating spirituality in family therapy. In F. Walsh (Ed.), Spiritual resources in family therapy, 2.Baskı:31-61, New York.
  • White L, Duncan G, Baumle W (2011) Foundations of Basic Nursing, USA NY: Delmar Cengage Learning.
  • Wiggins MI (2012) Religion and spirituality in couples and families. J.D. Aten, K.A. O’Grady, ve E.L. Worthington (Ed.), The psychology of religion and spirituality for clinicians using research in your practice 303-329. New York.
  • Yılmaz M (2011) Holistik bakimin bir boyutu: Spiritualite, doğasi ve hemşirelikle ilişkisi. Anadolu Hemşirelik ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 14(2):61-70.

The Role of Spirituality in Family Counseling

Year 2023, , 65 - 72, 30.04.2023


To this day, many psychological theories have adopted a holistic view of health and well-being. Spiritualism is a set of beliefs that make it possible to question the meaning of life, make sense of the universe and other people, are formed around the goal of achieving peace and happiness. In the confusion that arises in the research on the definition of the concept, the spirituality assessed within the scope of the religious literature needs to be evaluated with a holistic approach in a broad perspective. Many topics such as coping with problems, making sense of sadness and happiness, correcting failures, examining relationships with family and other individuals are included in the scope of spirituality. With this review, it is aimed to examine the relationship of spirituality with other concepts and the place of the concept of spirituality in family counseling.


  • Avcı M (2018) ‘Tehzîbu’l-Ahlâk’da sevgi erdemi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 22(Özel Sayı 3):3021-33.
  • Arslan H, Konuk Şener D (2009) Stigma, spiritüalite ve konfor kavramlarının Meleis’ in kavram geliştirme sürecine göre irdelenmesi. Maltepe Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Bilim ve Sanatı Dergisi 2(1):51-8.
  • Alptekin K, Duyan V (2021) İntihar ve İntihar Girişimi (Vol. 8). Yeni İnsan Yayınevi.
  • Akgül Gök F, (2020) The importance and use of spirituality in family counseling. Turkish Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care 14(4), 686-94.
  • Bartkowski JP, Xu X, Levin ML (2008) Religion and child development: Evidence from the early childhood longitudinal study. Social Science Research 37(1):18-36.
  • Berman A, Snyder SJ, Levett-Jones T, Dwyer T, Hales M, Harvey N, Stanley D (2018) Kozier and Erb's Fundamentals of Nursing [4th Australian edition].
  • Brody EE (2003) A Premarital therapy model for Jewish-Christian interfaith couples (Doctoral dissertation, Graduate Faculty of California School of Professional Psychology Alliant International University, San Diego).
  • Carpenter K, Girvin L, Kitner W, Ruth-Sahd LA (2008) Spirituality: a dimension of holistic critical care nursing. Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing 27(1):16-20.
  • Cobb M, Puchalski C, Rumbold B (2012) Oxford textbook of spirituality in healthcare. OUP Oxford.
  • Como JM (2007) Spiritual practice: a literature review related to spiritual health and health outcomes. Holıstıc Nursıng Practıce 21(5):224-36.
  • Coffey AD (2002) Spirituality: Lives and relationships in family-therapy concepts and practices. Journal of Family Psychotherapy 13(1-2):29-52.
  • Chapple A, Swift C, Ziebland S (2011) The role of spirituality and religion for those bereaved due to a traumatic death. Mortality 16(1):1-19.
  • Chung C, Pennebaker JW (2007) The psychological functions of function words. Social Communication 1:343-359.
  • Gülerarslan Özdengül A, Çam MS (2017) Reklamcılık ve spiritüalite kavramı: Televizyon reklamları üzerine bir inceleme. Selçuk İletişim, 2017, 10 (1): 399-432.
  • Çetinkaya B, Altundağ S, Azak A (2007) Spiritual bakım ve hemşirelik. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi 8(1):47-50.
  • Çetintaş Ş, Ekşi H (2020) Spiritually oriented couple. Marriage and Family Therapies. Spiritual Psychology and Counseling 5(1):7-24.
  • Çınar F, Eti Aslan F (2017) Spiritüalizm ve hemşirelik: Yoğun bakım hastalarında spiritual bakımın önemi. Journal of Academic Research in Nursing 3(1):37-42.
  • Dedeli Ö, Karadeniz G (2009) Kanser ağrısının kontrolü ile psikososyal-spiritual modelin birleştirilmesi. Ağrı Dergisi 21(2):45-53.
  • DeLaune SC, McTier L, Tollefson J, Lawrence J, Ladner PK (2019) Fundamentals of Nursing: Australia & NZ Edition 2e. Cengage AU.
  • Ekşi H, Kaya Ç, Çiftçi M (2016) Maneviyat ve psikolojik danışma. Manevi yönelimli psikodanışmanlık ve psikolojik danışma, 13-28.
  • Elliot A (2016) The makeup of destiny: Predestination and the labor of hope in a Moroccan emigrant town. American Ethnologist 43(3):488-99.
  • Frame MW (2000) The spiritual genogram in family therapy. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy 26(2):211-6.
  • Harrison BJ (2001) Wrongful Death Damages Under the Arkansas Medical Malpractice Act: Would a Change Make Cents. Ark. L. Rev 54:577.
  • Hawkins DN, Booth A (2005) Unhappily ever after: Effects of long-term, low-quality marriages on well-being. Social Forces 84(1):451-71.
  • Hiçdurmaz D, Öz F (2013) Spirituality as a dimension of coping. Journal of Anatolia Nursing and Health Sciences 16(1):50-5.
  • Hoogestraat T, Trammel J (2003) Spiritual and religious discussions in family therapy: Activities to promote dialogue, The American Journal of Family Therapy 31(5):413-26.
  • Hodge DR (2001) Spiritual genograms: A generational approach to assessing spirituality. Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Human Services 82(1):35–48.
  • Giovannelli LM (2011) The Usefulness of Spirituality Concepts as Perceived by Marriage and Family Therapist and Couples, Doctoral Dissertation, University of Akron 19-36.
  • Gürsu O, Ay Y (2018) Din, Manevi İyi Oluş ve Yaşlılık. Journal of International Social Research 11(61).
  • Kale, S. H. (2004). Spirituality, religion, and globalization. Journal of Macromarketing 24(2):92-107.
  • Karasu F (2020) Spiritualite ve palyatif bakım. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 7(2):231-4.
  • Karadağ F, Oğuzhanoğlu NK, Özdel O, Ergin Ş, Kaçar N (2010) Psöriyazis hastalarında psikodrama: Stres ve stresle baş etme. Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi, 11(3), 220-7.
  • Karagül A (2012) Manevi bakım, anlamı, önemi, yöntemi ve eğitimi "Hollanda Örneği". Dini Araştırmalar 15(40).
  • Kasapoğlu F (2017) Psikolojik danışma süreci ve maneviyat: Bir bütünleştirme arayışı. Hikmet Yurdu 1(19):141-57.
  • Kılınçer H (2017) Tıp, psikoloji ve ilahiyat öğrencilerinin Türkiye’deki manevi danışmanlık ve rehberlik uygulamalarına yönelik tutumları üzerine bir araştırma.
  • Kozier B, Erb G, Berman A, Snyder SJ, Buck M, Yiu L, Stamler LL (2018) Fundamentals of Canadian Nursing. Concepts, Process, and Practice-Pearson.
  • Lambert NM, Dollahite DC (2006) How religiosity helps couples prevent, resolve, and overcome marital conflict. Family Relations 55(4):439-49.
  • Mahoney A, Cano A (2014) Introduction to the special section on religion and spirituality in family life: Delving into relational spirituality for couples. Journal of Family Psychology 28(5):583-6.
  • McEwen M (2005) Spiritual nursing care. Holistic Nursing Practice 19(41):161-8.
  • Mclellan TM (2016) Spirituality in counselling: What helps and hinders therapists in integrating spirituality into their counselling practice? (Doctoral dissertation, Adler School of Professional Psychology).
  • Nazir T (2020) Pozitif psikoloji ve umut. Pozitif Psikoloji 365-93.
  • Özmen M, Coşman Ö, Kökcü A (2016) Meslek yüksekokulu öğrencilerinin umutsuzluk düzeyleri. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research 2(2):638-51.
  • Pargament K (2011) Spiritually integrated psychotherapy: Understanding and addressing the Sacred.
  • Pargament KI (2007) Spiritually Integrated Psychotherapy. New York, NY: The Guildford Press; 3-29.
  • Potter G, Clarke T, Hackett S, Little M (2013) Nursing students and geriatric care: The influence of specific knowledge on evolving values, attitudes, and actions. Nurse Education in Practice 13(5):449-53.
  • Ryff CD, Singer B (2006) Know thyself and become what you are: a eudaimonic approach to psychologıcal well-being. Journal of Happiness Studies 9:13–39.
  • Saygılı S (2016) Mutluluk Elimizde. İstanbul: Elit Yayınları 13-14.
  • Summermatter A, Kaya Ç (2017) An overview of spiritually oriented cognitive behavioral therapy. Spiritual Psychology and Counseling 2(1):31-53.
  • Sue DW, Sue D (2008) Counselling the Culturally Diverse: Theory and Practice. John Wiley & Sons 21-7.
  • Şahin Ş, Ökmen B, Kılıç A (2019) Sevgi eğitimi dersi alan öğrencilerin sevgi ve sevgi eğitimi dersine dair görüşleri. Eğitimde Nitel Araştırmalar Dergisi 7(1):176-97.
  • Şahin, Y (2017) Using spiritual genograms in family therapies. Spiritual Psychology and Counseling 3(1):47-60.
  • Şirin T (2019) Evli çiftlerin spiritual iyi oluşları ile evlilik doyumları arasındaki ilişki. Ekev Akademi Dergisi 77:389–410.
  • Taylor PC, Medina M (2011) Educational research paradigms: From positivism to pluralism. College Research Journal 1(1):1-16.
  • Taylor EJ, Petersen C, Oyedele O, Haase J (2015) Spirituality and spiritual care of adolescents and young adults with cancer. In Seminars in oncology nursing 31(3):227-41.
  • Tönbül Ö (2019) Aile danışmanlığı sürecinde ve kuramlarında amaç oluşturma. Aile Psikolojik Danışmanlığı Dergisi 2(1):76-95.
  • Tunç B, Totan T (2021) Aile yaşamında maneviyat: aile psikolojik danışmasında maneviyatın değerlendirilmesi. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 5(1):1-20.
  • Walsh F (2012) Normal family processes: Growing diversity and complexity. New York: Guilford Press.
  • Walsh F (2009) Integrating spirituality in family therapy. In F. Walsh (Ed.), Spiritual resources in family therapy, 2.Baskı:31-61, New York.
  • White L, Duncan G, Baumle W (2011) Foundations of Basic Nursing, USA NY: Delmar Cengage Learning.
  • Wiggins MI (2012) Religion and spirituality in couples and families. J.D. Aten, K.A. O’Grady, ve E.L. Worthington (Ed.), The psychology of religion and spirituality for clinicians using research in your practice 303-329. New York.
  • Yılmaz M (2011) Holistik bakimin bir boyutu: Spiritualite, doğasi ve hemşirelikle ilişkisi. Anadolu Hemşirelik ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 14(2):61-70.
There are 61 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Review

Sevda Koç 0000-0003-2055-4871

Handan Güler 0000-0002-7474-3160

Rana Koç 0000-0002-1013-7946

Early Pub Date April 26, 2023
Publication Date April 30, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


Vancouver Koç S, Güler H, Koç R. Aile Danışmanlığında Spiritualitenin Yeri. J Cumhuriyet Univ Health Sci Inst. 2023;8(1):65-72.

The Journal of Sivas Cumhuriyet University Institute of Health Sciences is an international, peer-reviewed scientific journal published by Sivas Cumhuriyet University, Institute of Health Sciences.