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Postpartum Dönemde Emzirme İle İlişkili Mobil Sağlık Müdahaleleri: Sistematik İnceleme Çalışması

Year 2023, , 82 - 90, 30.04.2023


Bu sistematik incelemenin amacı, postpartum dönemde emzirme ile ilişkili mobil sağlık müdahalelerinin sistematik bir biçimde incelemesidir. Literatür taraması “PubMed, Wiley Online Library, Science Direct, Scopus ve ProQuest” veri tabanlarında, “tele-medicine, postpartum period ve breastfeeding” anahtar kelimeleri kullanılarak yapılmıştır.
Bu sistematik incelemeye sırasıyla Pensilvanya (1), Bangladeş (1), İsrail (1), İran (1), ABD (1), Brezilya (1) ve Türkiye (1) olmak üzere toplam 7 çalışma dahil edilmiştir. 6 çalışmanın randomize kontrollü olduğu, 1 çalışmanın ise yarı deneysel çalışma olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bu sistematik inceleme ile mobil temelli sağlık müdahalelerinin bazılarının emzirme desteği açısından etkili olduğu bazılarının ise yeterince etkili olmadığını sonucuna varılmıştır. Anne sağlığı ile ilgilenen tüm sağlık profesyonellerine doğum sonrası dönemde mobil temelli müdahaleleri kullanabileceğine ve uzaktan eğitim yönteminden yararlanarak kadınlara erişebileceğine yönelik bir öneri sunulabilir. Aynı zamanda mobil sağlık müdahalelerinin etkili olmama nedenlerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla derinlemesine araştırmaların planlanması da önerilebilmektedir.


  • Cavalcanti, D. S., Cabral, C. S., de Toledo Vianna, R. P., & Osório, M. M. (2019). Online participatory intervention to promote and support exclusive breastfeeding: Randomized clinical trial. Maternal & Child Nutrition, 15 (3), e12806.
  • Dorsey, E. R., & Topol, E. J. (2020). Telemedicine 2020 and the next decade. The Lancet, 395 (10227), 859.
  • Jerin, I., Akter, M., Talukder, K., & Rahman, M. A. (2020). Mobile phone support to sustain exclusive breastfeeding in the community after hospital delivery and counseling: a quasi-experimental study. International Breastfeeding Journal, 15 (1), 1-11. Kalender, N., & Özdemir, L. (2014). Yaşlılara Sağlık Hizmetlerinin Sunumunda Tele-Tıp Kullanımı. Anadolu Hemşirelik ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 17(1), 50-58.
  • Lavender, T., Richens, Y., Milan, S. J., Smyth, R. M., & Dowswell, T. (2013). Telephone support for women during pregnancy and the first six weeks postpartum. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (7).
  • Lewkowitz, A. K., López, J. D., Carter, E. B., Duckham, H., Strickland, T., Macones, G. A., et al. (2020). Impact of a novel smartphone application on low-income, first-time mothers’ breastfeeding rates: a randomized controlled trial. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MFM, 2 (3), 100143.
  • McFadden, A., Gavine, A., Renfrew, M. J., Wade, A., Buchanan, P., Taylor, J. L., Veitch, E., Rennie M.A., Crowther S., Neiman, S., & MacGillivray, S. (2017). Support for healthy breastfeeding mothers with healthy term babies. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (2).
  • McKinney, J., Keyser, L., Clinton, S., & Pagliano, C. (2018). ACOG Committee Opinion No. 736: optimizing postpartum care. Obstetrics & Gynecology, 132 (3), 784-785.
  • Miremberg, H., Yirmiya, K., Rona, S., Gonen, N., Marom, O., Pohol, A., et al. (2022). Smartphone-based counseling and support platform and the effect on postpartum lactation: a randomized controlled trial. American Journal Of Obstetrics & Gynecology MFM, 4 (2), 100543.
  • Nilsson, I. M., Strandberg‐Larsen, K., Knight, C. H., Hansen, A. V., & Kronborg, H. (2017). Focused breastfeeding counselling improves short‐and long‐term success in an early‐discharge setting: A cluster‐randomized study. Maternal & Child Nutrition, 13 (4), e12432.
  • Özevci, G., Ceyhan, B., & Atakır, K. (2021). Artan cep telefonu kullanımının insan sağlığı üzerine etkileri. DÜSTAD Dünya Sağlık ve Tabiat Bilimleri Dergisi, 4 (2), 80-93.
  • Page, M.J., McKenzie, J.E., Bossuyt, P.M., Boutron, I., Hoffmann, T.C., Mulrow, C.D., et al. (2020). The PRISMA 2020 statement: an updated guideline for reporting systematic reviews. BMJ.
  • Peters, M. D., Marnie, C., Tricco, A. C., Pollock, D., Munn, Z., Alexander, L., et al. (2021). Updated methodological guidance for the conduct of scoping reviews. JBI Evidence Implementation, 19 (1), 3-10.
  • Schardt, C., Adams, M. B., Owens, T., Keitz, S., & Fontelo, P. (2007). Utilization of the PICO framework to improve searching PubMed for clinical questions. BMC Medical İnformatics And Decision Making, 7(1), 1-6.
  • Seyyedi, N., Rahmatnezhad, L., Mesgarzadeh, M., Khalkhali, H., Seyyedi, N., & Rahimi, B. (2021). Effectiveness of a smartphone-based educational intervention to improve breastfeeding. International Breastfeeding Journal, 16 (1), 1-8.
  • Tufanaru, C., Munn, Z, Aromataris, E., Campbell, J., Hopp, L. (2017)b. Explanation for the critical appraisal tool for quasi-experimental studies (experimental studies without random allocation). In: Aromataris E, Munn Z, editors. Joanna Briggs Institute Reviewer's Manual. The Joanna Briggs Institute.pp:1-7.
  • Tufanaru, C., Munn, Z., Aromataris, E., Campbell, J., & Hopp, L. (2017)a. Explanation for the critical appraisal tool for RCTs with individual participants in parallel groups. In: Aromataris E, Munn Z, editors. Joanna Briggs Institute Reviewer's Manual. The Joanna Briggs Institute. pp:1-9.
  • Uscher-Pines, L., Ghosh-Dastidar, B., Bogen, D. L., Ray, K. N., Demirci, J. R., Mehrotra, A., et al. (2020). Feasibility and effectiveness of telelactation among rural breastfeeding women. Academic Pediatrics, 20 (5), 652-659.
  • Uzunçakmak, T., Gökşin, İ., & Ayaz-Alkaya, S. (2021). The effect of social media-based support on breastfeeding self-efficacy: a randomised controlled trial. The European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care, 1-7.
  • World Health Organization. Global Breastfeeding Scorecard, 2019: Increasing commitment to breastfeeding through funding and improved policies and programmes (No. WHO/NMH/NHD/19.22). World Health Organization.
  • Yılmaz, C., & Taşpınar, A. (2017). Doğum sonrası erken dönemde ebeveynlere verilen emzirme eğitiminin bebeklerin ilk altı ay anne sütü alma durumuna etkisi. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 6 (3), 25-34.

Mobıle Health Interventıons Related To Breastfeedıng In The Postpartum Perıod: A Systematıc Revıew

Year 2023, , 82 - 90, 30.04.2023


The purpose of this systematic review is to systematically review mobile health interventions related to breastfeeding in the postpartum period. In their literature, “PubMed, Wiley Online Library, Science Direct, Scopus and ProQuest” databases, “tele-medicine, postpartum period and breastfeeding” are not important. A total of 7 studies including Pennsylvania (1), Tatarstan (1), Israel (1), Iran (1), USA (1), Brazil (1) an d Turkey (1) with this system setup were included. While 6 randomly checked, 1 time passed. There are hits as well as hits because of the hits of examples of this healthcare and mobile-based interventions. Mobile interventions can be presented to the mother and all health professionals in a way that can be accessed by using the distance education method. It may also be presented to plan reviews to examine the ineffectiveness of mobile health interventions.


  • Cavalcanti, D. S., Cabral, C. S., de Toledo Vianna, R. P., & Osório, M. M. (2019). Online participatory intervention to promote and support exclusive breastfeeding: Randomized clinical trial. Maternal & Child Nutrition, 15 (3), e12806.
  • Dorsey, E. R., & Topol, E. J. (2020). Telemedicine 2020 and the next decade. The Lancet, 395 (10227), 859.
  • Jerin, I., Akter, M., Talukder, K., & Rahman, M. A. (2020). Mobile phone support to sustain exclusive breastfeeding in the community after hospital delivery and counseling: a quasi-experimental study. International Breastfeeding Journal, 15 (1), 1-11. Kalender, N., & Özdemir, L. (2014). Yaşlılara Sağlık Hizmetlerinin Sunumunda Tele-Tıp Kullanımı. Anadolu Hemşirelik ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 17(1), 50-58.
  • Lavender, T., Richens, Y., Milan, S. J., Smyth, R. M., & Dowswell, T. (2013). Telephone support for women during pregnancy and the first six weeks postpartum. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (7).
  • Lewkowitz, A. K., López, J. D., Carter, E. B., Duckham, H., Strickland, T., Macones, G. A., et al. (2020). Impact of a novel smartphone application on low-income, first-time mothers’ breastfeeding rates: a randomized controlled trial. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MFM, 2 (3), 100143.
  • McFadden, A., Gavine, A., Renfrew, M. J., Wade, A., Buchanan, P., Taylor, J. L., Veitch, E., Rennie M.A., Crowther S., Neiman, S., & MacGillivray, S. (2017). Support for healthy breastfeeding mothers with healthy term babies. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (2).
  • McKinney, J., Keyser, L., Clinton, S., & Pagliano, C. (2018). ACOG Committee Opinion No. 736: optimizing postpartum care. Obstetrics & Gynecology, 132 (3), 784-785.
  • Miremberg, H., Yirmiya, K., Rona, S., Gonen, N., Marom, O., Pohol, A., et al. (2022). Smartphone-based counseling and support platform and the effect on postpartum lactation: a randomized controlled trial. American Journal Of Obstetrics & Gynecology MFM, 4 (2), 100543.
  • Nilsson, I. M., Strandberg‐Larsen, K., Knight, C. H., Hansen, A. V., & Kronborg, H. (2017). Focused breastfeeding counselling improves short‐and long‐term success in an early‐discharge setting: A cluster‐randomized study. Maternal & Child Nutrition, 13 (4), e12432.
  • Özevci, G., Ceyhan, B., & Atakır, K. (2021). Artan cep telefonu kullanımının insan sağlığı üzerine etkileri. DÜSTAD Dünya Sağlık ve Tabiat Bilimleri Dergisi, 4 (2), 80-93.
  • Page, M.J., McKenzie, J.E., Bossuyt, P.M., Boutron, I., Hoffmann, T.C., Mulrow, C.D., et al. (2020). The PRISMA 2020 statement: an updated guideline for reporting systematic reviews. BMJ.
  • Peters, M. D., Marnie, C., Tricco, A. C., Pollock, D., Munn, Z., Alexander, L., et al. (2021). Updated methodological guidance for the conduct of scoping reviews. JBI Evidence Implementation, 19 (1), 3-10.
  • Schardt, C., Adams, M. B., Owens, T., Keitz, S., & Fontelo, P. (2007). Utilization of the PICO framework to improve searching PubMed for clinical questions. BMC Medical İnformatics And Decision Making, 7(1), 1-6.
  • Seyyedi, N., Rahmatnezhad, L., Mesgarzadeh, M., Khalkhali, H., Seyyedi, N., & Rahimi, B. (2021). Effectiveness of a smartphone-based educational intervention to improve breastfeeding. International Breastfeeding Journal, 16 (1), 1-8.
  • Tufanaru, C., Munn, Z, Aromataris, E., Campbell, J., Hopp, L. (2017)b. Explanation for the critical appraisal tool for quasi-experimental studies (experimental studies without random allocation). In: Aromataris E, Munn Z, editors. Joanna Briggs Institute Reviewer's Manual. The Joanna Briggs Institute.pp:1-7.
  • Tufanaru, C., Munn, Z., Aromataris, E., Campbell, J., & Hopp, L. (2017)a. Explanation for the critical appraisal tool for RCTs with individual participants in parallel groups. In: Aromataris E, Munn Z, editors. Joanna Briggs Institute Reviewer's Manual. The Joanna Briggs Institute. pp:1-9.
  • Uscher-Pines, L., Ghosh-Dastidar, B., Bogen, D. L., Ray, K. N., Demirci, J. R., Mehrotra, A., et al. (2020). Feasibility and effectiveness of telelactation among rural breastfeeding women. Academic Pediatrics, 20 (5), 652-659.
  • Uzunçakmak, T., Gökşin, İ., & Ayaz-Alkaya, S. (2021). The effect of social media-based support on breastfeeding self-efficacy: a randomised controlled trial. The European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care, 1-7.
  • World Health Organization. Global Breastfeeding Scorecard, 2019: Increasing commitment to breastfeeding through funding and improved policies and programmes (No. WHO/NMH/NHD/19.22). World Health Organization.
  • Yılmaz, C., & Taşpınar, A. (2017). Doğum sonrası erken dönemde ebeveynlere verilen emzirme eğitiminin bebeklerin ilk altı ay anne sütü alma durumuna etkisi. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 6 (3), 25-34.
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Review

Elif Çilesiz 0000-0002-7270-1194

Mahide Demirelöz Akyüz 0000-0002-2774-892X

Esın Turfan 0000-0003-2505-4913

Early Pub Date April 26, 2023
Publication Date April 30, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


Vancouver Çilesiz E, Demirelöz Akyüz M, Turfan E. Postpartum Dönemde Emzirme İle İlişkili Mobil Sağlık Müdahaleleri: Sistematik İnceleme Çalışması. J Cumhuriyet Univ Health Sci Inst. 2023;8(1):82-90.

The Journal of Sivas Cumhuriyet University Institute of Health Sciences is an international, peer-reviewed scientific journal published by Sivas Cumhuriyet University, Institute of Health Sciences.