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Tat Reseptörlerinde Tek Nükleotid Gen Polimorfizmi, Besin Tercihi ve Sağlık Arasındaki İlişki

Year 2020, Volume: 5 Issue: 3, 219 - 234, 30.12.2020


Tat duyusu yiyecek ve içeceklerin lezzetlerinin algılanmasında, besinlerin ve zehirli olabilecek maddelerin ayırt edilmesinde rol oynamaktadır. Bu özelliği ile bireylerin çevreleri hakkında bilgi edinerek davranışlarını uyarlamalarını sağlayan tat algısını etkileyen çevresel ve genetik faktörler bulunmaktadır. Son dönemde tat algısında rol oynadığı düşünülen reseptörlerde bulunan tek nükleotit polimorfizmlerinin (SNP), bireylerin tatlı, tuzlu, ekşi, acı ve umami tatlara ek olarak yağlı tat algısına ve dolayısıyla besin tercihlerine etki edebileceği öne sürülmektedir. Bu derlemenin amacı temel tatlara ek olarak yağlı tat ile ilişkili olduğu bilinen SNP’leri özetlemek, bunların besin tercihlerine ve kronik hastalıklara olası etkilerini açıklamaktır. Yapılan çalışmalar olası ilişkiye ışık tutsa da SNPlerin bireylerin besin alımını ve beslenme davranışlarını ne ölçüde etkilediği ve etki mekanizmaları net olarak anlaşılamamıştır.


  • Adler E, Hoon MA, Mueller KL, Chandrashekar J, Ryba NJ ve Zuker CS (2000) A novel family of mammalian taste receptors. Cell 100:693-702.
  • Alberts B, Bray D, Lewis J, Raff M, Roberts K & Watson JD (1994) Molecular biology ofthe cell. GarlandPublishing, New York.
  • Anliker JA, Bartoshuk L, Ferris AM & Hooks L D (1991) Children's food preferences and genetic sensitivity to the bitter taste of 6-n-propylthiouracil (PROP). Am J Clin Nutr 54:316-20.
  • Bakke A & Vickers Z (2007) Consumer liking of refined and whole wheat breads. J Food Sci 72:S473-80.
  • Bartel DL, Sullivan SL, Lavoie EG, Sévigny J & Finger TE (2006) Nucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase-2 is the ecto-ATPase of type I cells in taste buds. J Comp Neurol 497:1-12.
  • Behrens M & Meyerhof W (2011) Gustatory and extragustatory functions of mammalian taste receptors. Physiol Behav 105:4-13.
  • Breslin PAS & Huang L (2006) Human taste: peripheral anatomy, taste transduction, and coding. Adv Otorhinolaryngol 63:152-190.
  • Bufe B, Breslin PA, Kuhn C, Reed DR, Tharp CD, Slack Jp, Kim Uk, Drayna D & Meyerhof W (2005) The molecular basis of individual differences in phenylthiocarbamide and propylthiouracil bitterness perception. Curr Biol 15:322-7.
  • Cao Y, Zhao FL, Kolli T, Hivley R & Herness S (2009) GABA expression in the mammalian taste bud functions as a route of inhibitory cell-to-cell communication. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 106:4006-11.
  • Chamoun E, Mutch DM, Allen-Vercoe E, Buchholz AC, Duncan AM, Spriet LL, Haines J, Ma DW & Study GFH (2018a) A review of the associations between single nucleotide polymorphisms in taste receptors, eating behaviors, and health. Critical reviews in food science and nutrition 58:194-207.
  • Chamoun E, Mutch DM, Allen-Vercoe E, Buchholz AC, Duncan AM, Spriet LL, Haines J & Ma DWL (2018b A review of the associations between single nucleotide polymorphisms in taste receptors, eating behaviors, and health. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr 58:194-207.
  • Chandrashekar J, Kuhn C, Oka Y, Yarmolinsky DA, Hummler E, RybA NJ & Zuker CS (2010) The cells and peripheral representation of sodium taste in mice. Nature 464:297-301.
  • Chaudhari N & Roper SD (2010) The cell biology of taste. J Cell Biol 190:285-96.
  • Chen QY, Alarcon S, Tharp A, Ahmed OM, Estrella NL, Greene TA, RUCKER J & Breslin PA (2009) Perceptual variation in umami taste and polymorphisms in TAS1R taste receptor genes. Am J Clin Nutr 90:770s-779s.
  • Chmurzynska A, Mlodzik-Czyzewska MA, Galinski G, Malinowska AM, Radziejewska A, Mikołajczyk-Stecyna J, Bulczak E & Wiebe DJ (2020) Polymorphism of CD36 determines fat discrimination but not intake of high-fat food in 20-to 40-year-old adults. The Journal of Nutrition.
  • Choi SE (2014) Racial differences between African Americans and Asian Americans in the effect of 6-n-propylthiouracil taste intensity and food liking on body mass index. J Acad Nutr Diet 114:938-44.
  • Connors M, Bisogni CA, Sobal J & Devine CM (2001) Managing values in personal food systems. Appetite 36:189-200.
  • Cox DN, Hendrie GA & Carty D (2016) Sensitivity, hedonics and preferences for basic tastes and fat amongst adults and children of differing weight status: A comprehensive review. Food Quality and Preference 48:359-367.
  • Des Gachons CP, Beauchamp GK & Breslin PA (2009) The genetics of bitterness and pungency detection and its impact on phytonutrient evaluation. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1170:140-4.
  • Di Salle F, Cantone E, Savarese MF, Aragri A, Prinster A, Nicolai E, Sarnelli G, Lengo M, Buyckx M & Cuomo R (2013) Effect of carbonation on brain processing of sweet stimuli in humans. Gastroenterology 145:537-9.e3.
  • Dias AG, Rousseau D, Duizer L, Cockburn M, Chiu W, Nielsen D & El-Sohemy A (2013) Genetic variation in putative salt taste receptors and salt taste perception in humans. Chem Senses 38:137-45.
  • Dinehart ME, Hayes JE, Bartoshuk LM, Lanier SL & Duffy VB (2006) Bitter taste markers explain variability in vegetable sweetness, bitterness, and intake. Physiol Behav 87:304-13.
  • Donaldson LF, Bennett L, Baic S & Melichar JK (2009) Taste and weight: is there a link? Am J Clin Nutr 90:800s-803s.
  • Dotson CD, Colbert CL, Garcea M, Smith JC & Spector AC (2012) The consequences of gustatory deafferentation on body mass and feeding patterns in the rat. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 303:R611-23.
  • Drewnowski A, Henderson SA, Levine A & Hann C (1999) Taste and food preferences as predictors of dietary practices in young women. Public Health Nutr 2:513-9.
  • Drewnowski A, Henderson SA, Shore AB & Barratt-Fornell A (1998) Sensory responses to 6-n-propylthiouracil (PROP) or sucrose solutions and food preferences in young women. Ann N Y Acad Sci 855:797-801.
  • Duffy VB & Bartoshuk LM (2000) Food acceptance and genetic variation in taste. J Am Diet Assoc 100:647-55.
  • Efeyan A, Comb WC & Sabatini DM (2015) Nutrient-sensing mechanisms and pathways. Nature 517:302-10.
  • Ekstrand B, Young JF & Rasmussen MK (2017) Taste receptors in the gut - A new target for health promoting properties in diet. Food Res Int 100:1-8.
  • El-Yassimi A, Hichami A, Besnard P & Khan NA (2008) Linoleic acid induces calcium signaling, Src kinase phosphorylation, and neurotransmitter release in mouse CD36-positive gustatory cells. Journal of biological chemistry 283:12949-12959.
  • Eny KM, Wolever TM, Corey PN & El-Sohemy A (2010) Genetic variation in TAS1R2 (Ile191Val) is associated with consumption of sugars in overweight and obese individuals in 2 distinct populations. Am J Clin Nutr 92:1501-10.
  • Fay LB & German JB (2008) Personalizing foods: is genotype necessary? Curr Opin Biotechnol 19:121-8.
  • Fushan AA, Simons CT, Slack JP, Manichaikul A & Drayna D (2009) Allelic polymorphism within the TAS1R3 promoter is associated with human taste sensitivity to sucrose. Curr Biol 19:1288-93.
  • Gayathri Devi A, Henderson SA & Drewnowski A (1997) Sensory acceptance of Japanese green tea and soy products is linked to genetic sensitivity to 6-n-propylthiouracil. Nutr Cancer 29:146-51.
  • Glanz K, Basil M, Maibach E, Goldberg J & Snyder D (1998) Why Americans eat what they do: taste, nutrition, cost, convenience, and weight control concerns as influences on food consumption. J Am Diet Assoc 98:1118-26.
  • Grimm ER & Steinle NI (2011) Genetics of eating behavior: established and emerging concepts. Nutr Rev 69:52-60.
  • Heckmann JG, Heckmann SM, Lang CJ & Hummel T (2003) Neurological aspects of taste disorders. Arch Neurol 60:667-71.
  • Heni M, Müssig K, Machicao F, Machann J, Schick F, Claussen CD, Stefan N, Fritsche A, Häring HU & Staiger H (2011) Variants in the CD36 gene locus determine whole-body adiposity, but have no independent effect on insulin sensitivity. Obesity (Silver Spring) 19:1004-9.
  • Huang YA, Pereira E & Roper SD (2011) Acid stimulation (sour taste) elicits GABA and serotonin release from mouse taste cells. PLoS One 6:e25471.
  • Jerzsa-Latta M, Krondl M & Coleman P (1990) Use and perceived attributes of cruciferous vegetables in terms of genetically-mediated taste sensitivity. Appetite 15:127-34.
  • Keast RS & Costanzo A (2015) Is fat the sixth taste primary? Evidence and implications. Flavour 4:5.
  • Keller KL, Liang LC, Sakimura J, May D, Van Belle C, Breen C, Driggin E, Tepper BJ, Lanzano PC & Deng L (2012) Common variants in the CD36 gene are associated with oral fat perception, fat preferences, and obesity in African Americans. Obesity 20:1066-1073.
  • Keski-Rahkonen A, Bulik CM, Pietiläinen KH, Rose RJ, Kaprio J & Rissanen A (2007) Eating styles, overweight and obesity in young adult twins. Eur J Clin Nutr 61:822-9.
  • Keskitalo K, Tuorila H, Spector TD, Cherkas LF, Knaapila A, Kaprio J, Silventoinen K & Perola M (2008) The Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire, body mass index, and responses to sweet and salty fatty foods: a twin study of genetic and environmental associations. Am J Clin Nutr 88:263-71.
  • Khan AS, Murtaza B, Hichami A & Khan NA (2019) A cross-talk between fat and bitter taste modalities. Biochimie 159:3-8.
  • Kim UK, Breslin PA, Reed D & Drayna D (2004) Genetics of human taste perception. J Dent Res 83:448-53.
  • Kim UK, Wooding S, Riaz N, Jorde LB & Drayna D (2006) Variation in the human TAS1R taste receptor genes. Chem Senses 31:599-611.
  • Kulkarni GV, Chng T, Eny KM, Nielsen D, Wessman C & El-Sohemy A (2013) Association of GLUT2 and TAS1R2 genotypes with risk for dental caries. Caries Res 47:219-25.
  • Li X, Staszewski L, Xu H, Durick K, Zoller M & Adler E (2002) Human receptors for sweet and umami taste. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 99:4692-6.
  • Lindemann B (2001) Receptors and transduction in taste. Nature 413:219-25.
  • Liu D, Archer N, Duesing K, Hannan G & Keast R (2016) Mechanism of fat taste perception: Association with diet and obesity. Progress in lipid research 63:41-49.
  • Looy H & Weingarten HP (1992) Facial expressions and genetic sensitivity to 6-n-propylthiouracil predict hedonic response to sweet. Physiol Behav 52:75-82.
  • Loper HB, La Sala M, Dotson C & Steinle N (2015) Taste perception, associated hormonal modulation, and nutrient intake. Nutr Rev 73:83-91.
  • Ma X, Bacci S, Mlynarski W, Gottardo L, Soccio T, Menzaghi C, Iori E, Lager RA, Shroff AR, Gervino EV, Nesto RW, Johnstone MT, Abumrad NA, Avogaro A, Trischitta V & Doria A (2004) A common haplotype at the CD36 locus is associated with high free fatty acid levels and increased cardiovascular risk in Caucasians. Hum Mol Genet 13:2197-205.
  • Martínez-Ruiz NR, López-Díaz JA, Wall-Medrano A, Jiménez-Castro JA & Angulo O (2014) Oral fat perception is related with body mass index, preference and consumption of high-fat foods. Physiology & behavior 129:36-42.
  • Matsunami H, Montmayeur JP & Buck LB (2000) A family of candidate taste receptors in human and mouse. Nature 404:601-4.
  • Mattes R (2004) 6-n-propylthiouracil taster status: dietary modifier, marker or misleader? Genetic Variation in Taste Sensitivity. J. Prescott & BJ Tepper, Eds.: 229–250. Marcel Dekker, New York.
  • Mennella JA, Pepino MY & Reed DR (2005) Genetic and environmental determinants of bitter perception and sweet preferences. Pediatrics 115:e216-22.
  • Meyerhof W, Batram C, Kuhn C, Brockhoff A, Chudoba E, Bufe B, Appendino G & Behrens M (2010) The molecular receptive ranges of human TAS2R bitter taste receptors. Chem Senses 35:157-70.
  • Mok LW (2010) The effect of variety and dietary restraint on food intake in lean young women: a preliminary study. J Gen Psychol 137:63-83.
  • Nelson G, Chandrashekar J, Hoon MA, Feng L, Zhao G, Ryba NJ & Zuker CS (2002) An amino-acid taste receptor. Nature 416:199-202.
  • Niewind A, Krondl M & Shrott M (1988) Genetic influences on the selection of brassica vegetables by elderly individuals. Nutrition Research 8:13-20.
  • Noel SE, Lai CQ, Mattei J, Parnell LD, Ordovas JM & Tucker KL (2010) Variants of the CD36 gene and metabolic syndrome in Boston Puerto Rican adults. Atherosclerosis 211:210-5.
  • O'brien SA, Feeney EL, Scannell AG, Markey A & Gibney ER (2013) Bitter taste perception and dietary intake patterns in irish children. J Nutrigenet Nutrigenomics 6:43-58.
  • Oka Y, Butnaru M, Von Buchholtz L, Ryba NJ & Zuker CS (2013) High salt recruits aversive taste pathways. Nature 494:472-5.
  • Pepino MY, Finkbeiner S, Beauchamp GK & Mennella JA (2010) Obese women have lower monosodium glutamate taste sensitivity and prefer higher concentrations than do normal-weight women. Obesity (Silver Spring) 18:959-65.
  • Pepino MY, Love-Gregory L, Klein S & Abumrad NA (2012a) The fatty acid translocase gene CD36 and lingual lipase influence oral sensitivity to fat in obese subjects. J Lipid Res 53:561-6.
  • Pepino MY, Love-Gregory L, Klein S & Abumrad NA (2012b) The fatty acid translocase gene CD36 and lingual lipase influence oral sensitivity to fat in obese subjects. Journal of lipid research 53:561-566.
  • Reed DR, Li S, Li X, Huang L, Tordoff MG, Starling-Roney R, Taniguchi K, West DB, Ohmen JD, Beauchamp GK & Bachmanov AA (2004) Polymorphisms in the taste receptor gene (Tas1r3) region are associated with saccharin preference in 30 mouse strains. J Neurosci 24:938-46.
  • Reed DR & Mcdaniel AH (2006) The human sweet tooth. BMC Oral Health, 6 Suppl 1, S17.
  • Richter I & Fidler AE (2014) Marine invertebrate xenobiotic-activated nuclear receptors: their application as sensor elements in high-throughput bioassays for marine bioactive compounds. Mar Drugs 12:5590-618.
  • Roper SD (2013) Taste buds as peripheral chemosensory processors. Semin Cell Dev Biol 24:71-9.
  • Running CA, Craig BA & Mattes RD (2015) Oleogustus: the unique taste of fat. Chemical senses 40:507-516.
  • Running CA, Mattes RD & Tucker RM (2013) Fat taste in humans: sources of within-and between-subject variability. Progress in lipid research 52:438-445.
  • Sainz E, Korley JN, Battey JF & Sullivan SL (2001) Identification of a novel member of the T1R family of putative taste receptors. J Neurochem 77:896-903.
  • Stewart JE, Feinle-Bisset C, Golding M, Delahunty C, Clifton PM & Keast RS (2010) Oral sensitivity to fatty acids, food consumption and BMI in human subjects. British journal of nutrition 104:145-152.
  • Stewart JE, Newman LP & Keast RS (2011) Oral sensitivity to oleic acid is associated with fat intake and body mass index. Clinical nutrition 30:838-844.
  • Suzuki T (2007) Cellular mechanisms in taste buds. Bull Tokyo Dent Coll 48:151-61.
  • Tepper BJ (2008) Nutritional implications of genetic taste variation: the role of PROP sensitivity and other taste phenotypes. Annu Rev Nutr 28:367-88.
  • Tepper BJ, Keller KL & Ullrich NV (2003) Genetic variation in taste and preferences for bitter and pungent foods: implications for chronic disease risk. ACS Publications.
  • Tepper BJ & Nurse RJ (1998) PROP taster status is related to fat perception and preference. Ann N Y Acad Sci 855:802-4.
  • Tepper BJ, White EA, Koelliker Y, Lanzara C, D'adamo P & Gasparini P (2009) Genetic variation in taste sensitivity to 6-n-propylthiouracil and its relationship to taste perception and food selection. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1170:126-39.
  • Tholin S, Rasmussen F, Tynelius P & Karlsson J (2005) Genetic and environmental influences on eating behavior: the Swedish Young Male Twins Study. Am J Clin Nutr 81:564-9.
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  • Wise PM, Hansen JL, Reed DR & Breslin PA (2007) Twin study of the heritability of recognition thresholds for sour and salty taste. Chem Senses 32:749-54.
  • Yackinous CA & Guinard JX (2002) Relation between PROP (6-n-propylthiouracil) taster status, taste anatomy and dietary intake measures for young men and women. Appetite 38:201-9.
Year 2020, Volume: 5 Issue: 3, 219 - 234, 30.12.2020



  • Adler E, Hoon MA, Mueller KL, Chandrashekar J, Ryba NJ ve Zuker CS (2000) A novel family of mammalian taste receptors. Cell 100:693-702.
  • Alberts B, Bray D, Lewis J, Raff M, Roberts K & Watson JD (1994) Molecular biology ofthe cell. GarlandPublishing, New York.
  • Anliker JA, Bartoshuk L, Ferris AM & Hooks L D (1991) Children's food preferences and genetic sensitivity to the bitter taste of 6-n-propylthiouracil (PROP). Am J Clin Nutr 54:316-20.
  • Bakke A & Vickers Z (2007) Consumer liking of refined and whole wheat breads. J Food Sci 72:S473-80.
  • Bartel DL, Sullivan SL, Lavoie EG, Sévigny J & Finger TE (2006) Nucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase-2 is the ecto-ATPase of type I cells in taste buds. J Comp Neurol 497:1-12.
  • Behrens M & Meyerhof W (2011) Gustatory and extragustatory functions of mammalian taste receptors. Physiol Behav 105:4-13.
  • Breslin PAS & Huang L (2006) Human taste: peripheral anatomy, taste transduction, and coding. Adv Otorhinolaryngol 63:152-190.
  • Bufe B, Breslin PA, Kuhn C, Reed DR, Tharp CD, Slack Jp, Kim Uk, Drayna D & Meyerhof W (2005) The molecular basis of individual differences in phenylthiocarbamide and propylthiouracil bitterness perception. Curr Biol 15:322-7.
  • Cao Y, Zhao FL, Kolli T, Hivley R & Herness S (2009) GABA expression in the mammalian taste bud functions as a route of inhibitory cell-to-cell communication. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 106:4006-11.
  • Chamoun E, Mutch DM, Allen-Vercoe E, Buchholz AC, Duncan AM, Spriet LL, Haines J, Ma DW & Study GFH (2018a) A review of the associations between single nucleotide polymorphisms in taste receptors, eating behaviors, and health. Critical reviews in food science and nutrition 58:194-207.
  • Chamoun E, Mutch DM, Allen-Vercoe E, Buchholz AC, Duncan AM, Spriet LL, Haines J & Ma DWL (2018b A review of the associations between single nucleotide polymorphisms in taste receptors, eating behaviors, and health. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr 58:194-207.
  • Chandrashekar J, Kuhn C, Oka Y, Yarmolinsky DA, Hummler E, RybA NJ & Zuker CS (2010) The cells and peripheral representation of sodium taste in mice. Nature 464:297-301.
  • Chaudhari N & Roper SD (2010) The cell biology of taste. J Cell Biol 190:285-96.
  • Chen QY, Alarcon S, Tharp A, Ahmed OM, Estrella NL, Greene TA, RUCKER J & Breslin PA (2009) Perceptual variation in umami taste and polymorphisms in TAS1R taste receptor genes. Am J Clin Nutr 90:770s-779s.
  • Chmurzynska A, Mlodzik-Czyzewska MA, Galinski G, Malinowska AM, Radziejewska A, Mikołajczyk-Stecyna J, Bulczak E & Wiebe DJ (2020) Polymorphism of CD36 determines fat discrimination but not intake of high-fat food in 20-to 40-year-old adults. The Journal of Nutrition.
  • Choi SE (2014) Racial differences between African Americans and Asian Americans in the effect of 6-n-propylthiouracil taste intensity and food liking on body mass index. J Acad Nutr Diet 114:938-44.
  • Connors M, Bisogni CA, Sobal J & Devine CM (2001) Managing values in personal food systems. Appetite 36:189-200.
  • Cox DN, Hendrie GA & Carty D (2016) Sensitivity, hedonics and preferences for basic tastes and fat amongst adults and children of differing weight status: A comprehensive review. Food Quality and Preference 48:359-367.
  • Des Gachons CP, Beauchamp GK & Breslin PA (2009) The genetics of bitterness and pungency detection and its impact on phytonutrient evaluation. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1170:140-4.
  • Di Salle F, Cantone E, Savarese MF, Aragri A, Prinster A, Nicolai E, Sarnelli G, Lengo M, Buyckx M & Cuomo R (2013) Effect of carbonation on brain processing of sweet stimuli in humans. Gastroenterology 145:537-9.e3.
  • Dias AG, Rousseau D, Duizer L, Cockburn M, Chiu W, Nielsen D & El-Sohemy A (2013) Genetic variation in putative salt taste receptors and salt taste perception in humans. Chem Senses 38:137-45.
  • Dinehart ME, Hayes JE, Bartoshuk LM, Lanier SL & Duffy VB (2006) Bitter taste markers explain variability in vegetable sweetness, bitterness, and intake. Physiol Behav 87:304-13.
  • Donaldson LF, Bennett L, Baic S & Melichar JK (2009) Taste and weight: is there a link? Am J Clin Nutr 90:800s-803s.
  • Dotson CD, Colbert CL, Garcea M, Smith JC & Spector AC (2012) The consequences of gustatory deafferentation on body mass and feeding patterns in the rat. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 303:R611-23.
  • Drewnowski A, Henderson SA, Levine A & Hann C (1999) Taste and food preferences as predictors of dietary practices in young women. Public Health Nutr 2:513-9.
  • Drewnowski A, Henderson SA, Shore AB & Barratt-Fornell A (1998) Sensory responses to 6-n-propylthiouracil (PROP) or sucrose solutions and food preferences in young women. Ann N Y Acad Sci 855:797-801.
  • Duffy VB & Bartoshuk LM (2000) Food acceptance and genetic variation in taste. J Am Diet Assoc 100:647-55.
  • Efeyan A, Comb WC & Sabatini DM (2015) Nutrient-sensing mechanisms and pathways. Nature 517:302-10.
  • Ekstrand B, Young JF & Rasmussen MK (2017) Taste receptors in the gut - A new target for health promoting properties in diet. Food Res Int 100:1-8.
  • El-Yassimi A, Hichami A, Besnard P & Khan NA (2008) Linoleic acid induces calcium signaling, Src kinase phosphorylation, and neurotransmitter release in mouse CD36-positive gustatory cells. Journal of biological chemistry 283:12949-12959.
  • Eny KM, Wolever TM, Corey PN & El-Sohemy A (2010) Genetic variation in TAS1R2 (Ile191Val) is associated with consumption of sugars in overweight and obese individuals in 2 distinct populations. Am J Clin Nutr 92:1501-10.
  • Fay LB & German JB (2008) Personalizing foods: is genotype necessary? Curr Opin Biotechnol 19:121-8.
  • Fushan AA, Simons CT, Slack JP, Manichaikul A & Drayna D (2009) Allelic polymorphism within the TAS1R3 promoter is associated with human taste sensitivity to sucrose. Curr Biol 19:1288-93.
  • Gayathri Devi A, Henderson SA & Drewnowski A (1997) Sensory acceptance of Japanese green tea and soy products is linked to genetic sensitivity to 6-n-propylthiouracil. Nutr Cancer 29:146-51.
  • Glanz K, Basil M, Maibach E, Goldberg J & Snyder D (1998) Why Americans eat what they do: taste, nutrition, cost, convenience, and weight control concerns as influences on food consumption. J Am Diet Assoc 98:1118-26.
  • Grimm ER & Steinle NI (2011) Genetics of eating behavior: established and emerging concepts. Nutr Rev 69:52-60.
  • Heckmann JG, Heckmann SM, Lang CJ & Hummel T (2003) Neurological aspects of taste disorders. Arch Neurol 60:667-71.
  • Heni M, Müssig K, Machicao F, Machann J, Schick F, Claussen CD, Stefan N, Fritsche A, Häring HU & Staiger H (2011) Variants in the CD36 gene locus determine whole-body adiposity, but have no independent effect on insulin sensitivity. Obesity (Silver Spring) 19:1004-9.
  • Huang YA, Pereira E & Roper SD (2011) Acid stimulation (sour taste) elicits GABA and serotonin release from mouse taste cells. PLoS One 6:e25471.
  • Jerzsa-Latta M, Krondl M & Coleman P (1990) Use and perceived attributes of cruciferous vegetables in terms of genetically-mediated taste sensitivity. Appetite 15:127-34.
  • Keast RS & Costanzo A (2015) Is fat the sixth taste primary? Evidence and implications. Flavour 4:5.
  • Keller KL, Liang LC, Sakimura J, May D, Van Belle C, Breen C, Driggin E, Tepper BJ, Lanzano PC & Deng L (2012) Common variants in the CD36 gene are associated with oral fat perception, fat preferences, and obesity in African Americans. Obesity 20:1066-1073.
  • Keski-Rahkonen A, Bulik CM, Pietiläinen KH, Rose RJ, Kaprio J & Rissanen A (2007) Eating styles, overweight and obesity in young adult twins. Eur J Clin Nutr 61:822-9.
  • Keskitalo K, Tuorila H, Spector TD, Cherkas LF, Knaapila A, Kaprio J, Silventoinen K & Perola M (2008) The Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire, body mass index, and responses to sweet and salty fatty foods: a twin study of genetic and environmental associations. Am J Clin Nutr 88:263-71.
  • Khan AS, Murtaza B, Hichami A & Khan NA (2019) A cross-talk between fat and bitter taste modalities. Biochimie 159:3-8.
  • Kim UK, Breslin PA, Reed D & Drayna D (2004) Genetics of human taste perception. J Dent Res 83:448-53.
  • Kim UK, Wooding S, Riaz N, Jorde LB & Drayna D (2006) Variation in the human TAS1R taste receptor genes. Chem Senses 31:599-611.
  • Kulkarni GV, Chng T, Eny KM, Nielsen D, Wessman C & El-Sohemy A (2013) Association of GLUT2 and TAS1R2 genotypes with risk for dental caries. Caries Res 47:219-25.
  • Li X, Staszewski L, Xu H, Durick K, Zoller M & Adler E (2002) Human receptors for sweet and umami taste. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 99:4692-6.
  • Lindemann B (2001) Receptors and transduction in taste. Nature 413:219-25.
  • Liu D, Archer N, Duesing K, Hannan G & Keast R (2016) Mechanism of fat taste perception: Association with diet and obesity. Progress in lipid research 63:41-49.
  • Looy H & Weingarten HP (1992) Facial expressions and genetic sensitivity to 6-n-propylthiouracil predict hedonic response to sweet. Physiol Behav 52:75-82.
  • Loper HB, La Sala M, Dotson C & Steinle N (2015) Taste perception, associated hormonal modulation, and nutrient intake. Nutr Rev 73:83-91.
  • Ma X, Bacci S, Mlynarski W, Gottardo L, Soccio T, Menzaghi C, Iori E, Lager RA, Shroff AR, Gervino EV, Nesto RW, Johnstone MT, Abumrad NA, Avogaro A, Trischitta V & Doria A (2004) A common haplotype at the CD36 locus is associated with high free fatty acid levels and increased cardiovascular risk in Caucasians. Hum Mol Genet 13:2197-205.
  • Martínez-Ruiz NR, López-Díaz JA, Wall-Medrano A, Jiménez-Castro JA & Angulo O (2014) Oral fat perception is related with body mass index, preference and consumption of high-fat foods. Physiology & behavior 129:36-42.
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There are 87 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Review

Saniye Sözlü 0000-0003-1791-0003

Publication Date December 30, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020Volume: 5 Issue: 3


Vancouver Sözlü S. Tat Reseptörlerinde Tek Nükleotid Gen Polimorfizmi, Besin Tercihi ve Sağlık Arasındaki İlişki. J Cumhuriyet Univ Health Sci Inst. 2020;5(3):219-34.

The Journal of Sivas Cumhuriyet University Institute of Health Sciences is an international, peer-reviewed scientific journal published by Sivas Cumhuriyet University, Institute of Health Sciences.